Next, a pool size of five was used to test a total of 895 pools (4475 prospective samples) using two different RT-qPCR kits. The Real Accurate Quadruplex corona-plus PCR Kit (PathoFinder) reported the lowest mean Ct shift [2.2 (SD 2.4)] between the pool and individual samples. This strategy enables detection of individual positive samples in positive pools with Ct of 16.7-39.4. Grouping samples into pools of five for RT-qPCR resulted in an increase in SARS-CoV-2 testing capacity with minimal loss of sensitivity compared with testing each sample individually. Grouping samples into pools of five for RT-qPCR resulted in an increase in SARS-CoV-2 testing capacity with minimal loss of sensitivity compared with testing each sample individually.Zika virus infection affects more than 80 countries in the world, mainly those with a tropical climate. Although the most frequent clinical presentation is characterized by rash, conjunctivitis, myalgia, arthralgia and fever, in some cases it is associated with cardiovascular manifestations, such as myocarditis, pericarditis, heart failure and arrhythmias. Furthermore, maternal transmission of the virus generates congenital Zika syndrome, which is associated with cardiac septal defects. Early recognition and treatment of Zika's cardiovascular complications are essential to reduce morbidity and mortality in these patients. There is no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine in humans, so the development of public health strategies to prevent its transmission is of paramount importance. The "Neglected Tropical Diseases and other Infectious Diseases" (NET-Heart project) is an initiative to systematically review all these devastating endemic conditions affecting the heart to spread knowledge and propose algorithms for early diagnosis and treatment.Psychoactive drugs discharged into the environment have different effects on the behavior of vertebrates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of venlafaxine on the behavior of zebrafish, and whether melatonin could reverse the induction of venlafaxine. In this study, a series of venlafaxine concentrations (1 μg/L, 10 μg/L, 100 μg/L) was used to treat zebrafish embryos from 2 hours post-fertilization (hpf) to 5dpf. We found that venlafaxine (1 μg/L) can stimulate the growth of the head area, eye area, and body length of zebrafish. The light-dark test showed that venlafaxine (1 μg/L) could increase the activity of zebrafish larvae. What's more, venlafaxine (1 μg/L) upregulated the expression of steroid regulatory factors including steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (star), cytochrome P450 family member 11A1 (cyp11a1) and 11 β hydroxylase (cyp11b1) by cAMP-pCREB pathway, affecting the function of the steroidogenic cells, which might be involved in the increased cortisol levels in zebrafish larvae. Whereas, melatonin (230 μg/L) restored the altered locomotion behavior induced by venlafaxine and recovered the altered gene expression. Our results demonstrate that venlafaxine at levels detected in the aquatic environment impacts behavior and may compromise the adaptive responses to the environment in zebrafish larvae.The energy crisis, depletion of oil reserves, and global climate changes are pressing problems of developed societies. One possibility to counteract that is microbial production of butanol, a promising new fuel and alternative to many petrochemical reagents. However, the high butanol toxicity to all known microbial species is the main obstacle to its industrial implementation. The present state of the art review aims to expound the recent advances in modern omics approaches to resolving this insurmountable to date problem of low butanol tolerance. Genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics show that butanol tolerance is a complex phenomenon affecting multiple genes and their expression. Efflux pumps, stress and multidrug response, membrane transport, and redox-related genes are indicated as being most important during butanol challenge, in addition to fine-tuning of global regulators of transcription (Spo0A, GntR), which may further improve tolerance. Lipidomics shows that the alterations in membrane composition (saturated lipids and plasmalogen increase) are very much species-specific and butanol-related. Glycomics discloses the pleiotropic effect of CcpA, the role of alternative sugar transport, and the production of exopolysaccharides as alternative routes to overcoming butanol stress. Unfortunately, the strain that simultaneously syntheses and tolerates butanol in concentrations that allow its commercialization has not yet been discovered or produced. Omics insight will allow the purposeful increase of butanol tolerance in natural and engineered producers and the effective heterologous expression of synthetic butanol pathways in strains hereditary butanol-resistant up to 3.2 - 4.9% (w/v). Future breakthrough can be achieved by a detailed study of the membrane proteome, of which 21% are proteins with unknown functions. Targeted neonatal echocardiography (TnECHO) performed by neonatologists as part of a hemodynamics consultation is increasingly being used in neonatal intensive care units. To minimize delays in obtaining physiologic data, first echocardiograms may be obtained by the neonatal hemodynamics team and reviewed afterward by a pediatric cardiologist. This practice has not been systematically evaluated. The aim of this study was to compare concordance between anatomic findings on TnECHO and pediatric cardiology reports. This was a retrospective evaluation of 339 infants at low risk for congenital heart disease (CHD) admitted to two large referral centers with established neonatal hemodynamics programs who underwent comprehensive TnECHO as their first postnatal echocardiographic examinations. The protocol included comprehensive imaging of intracardiac anatomy, outflow tract concordance and integrity, aortic arch anatomy, pulmonary vein location and flow, and transitional shunts. The hemodynamics consultation note malized, rigorous, and standardized training for neonatologists with hemodynamics expertise who perform timely assessments using TnECHO. The rate of major CHD in patients considered eligible for hemodynamics consultation was low, and there was high diagnostic concordance between trained neonatal hemodynamics specialists and pediatric cardiology. First echocardiograms obtained by subspecialty neonatologists may provide imaging of sufficient quality to evaluate a critically unwell neonate with low suspicion for critical CHD lesions. These results should not be extrapolated to infants in whom CHD is suspected. This study highlights the importance of formalized, rigorous, and standardized training for neonatologists with hemodynamics expertise who perform timely assessments using TnECHO.