In the pre-BETACONNECT period, the proportion with at least 80% MPR was higher for IFN-β-1a (90%) than for IFN-β-1b (83%), but in the post-BETACONNECT period the proportion with ≥ 80% MPR was higher for IFN-β-1b (92%) than for IFN-β-1a (86%). In the pre-BETACONNECT period, median persistence (in days) was higher for IFN-β-1a (199) than for IFN-β-1b (152), while in post-BETACONNECT period persistence was higher for IFN-β-1b (327) than for IFN-β-1a (229). Following the introduction of BETACONNECT, this exploratory study suggested that PwMS taking IFN-β-1b were more adherent compared with those taking IFN-β-1a, with higher persistence, and more than 90% reached 80% MPR, a threshold commonly used to define good adherence. Following the introduction of BETACONNECT, this exploratory study suggested that PwMS taking IFN-β-1b were more adherent compared with those taking IFN-β-1a, with higher persistence, and more than 90% reached 80% MPR, a threshold commonly used to define good adherence.This article conceptualizes human emotion as formed within the cultural and historical development of each individual within their society, using theories of emotion created within cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT). It examines how the process of the cultural formation of emotion takes place as part of the social development of the personality, intimately tied in with motivation, need and desire. In doing this I review ideas about emotion in the work of the two founding thinkers of cultural-historical activity theory, L. S. Vygotsky and A. N. Leontyev; however, for different reasons their work has its limits in creating a contemporary understanding of emotion. Moving forward, I draw on more recent work on emotions in the field of CHAT, as well as on the work of M. M. Bakhtin, to create a more embodied understanding of the cultural-historical formation of the emotions as part of the dynamics of per