The response of these correlated states to magnetic fields suggests evidence of spin-polarized ground states, in stark contrast to magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Furthermore, in the regime of lower twist angles, TBBG shows multiple sets of flat bands near charge neutrality, resulting in numerous correlated states corresponding to half-filling of each of these flat bands, all of which are tunable by the displacement field as well. Our results could enable the exploration of twist-angle- and electric-field-controlled correlated phases of matter in multi-flat-band twisted superlattices.Highly structured RNA molecules usually interact with each other, and associate with various RNA-binding proteins, to regulate critical biological processes. However, RNA structures and interactions in intact cells remain largely unknown. Here, by coupling proximity ligation mediated by RNA-binding proteins with deep sequencing, we report an RNA in situ conformation sequencing (RIC-seq) technology for the global profiling of intra- and intermolecular RNA-RNA interactions. This technique not only recapitulates known RNA secondary structures and tertiary interactions, but also facilitates the generation of three-dimensional (3D) interaction maps of RNA in human cells. Using these maps, we identify noncoding RNA targets globally, and discern RNA topological domains and trans-interacting hubs. We reveal that the functional connectivity of enhancers and promoters can be assigned using their pairwise-interacting RNAs. Furthermore, we show that CCAT1-5L-a super-enhancer hub RNA-interacts with the RNA-binding protein hnRNPK, as well as RNA derived from the MYC promoter and enhancer, to boost MYC transcription by modulating chromatin looping. Our study demonstrates the power and applicability of RIC-seq in discovering the 3D structures, interactions and regulatory roles of RNA.TWIK-related acid-sensitive potassium (TASK) channels-members of the two pore domain