Synthetic gene circuits allow programming in DNA the expression of a phenotype at a given environmental condition. The recent integration of memory systems with gene circuits opens the door to their adaptation to new conditions and their re-programming. This lays the foundation to emulate neuromorphic behaviour and solve complex problems similarly to artificial neural networks. Cellular products such as DNA or proteins can be used to store memory in both digital and analog formats, allowing cells to be turned into living computing devices able to record information regarding their previous states. In particular, synthetic gene circuits with memory can be engineered into living systems to allow their adaptation through reinforcement learning. The development of gene circuits able to adapt through reinforcement learning moves Sciences towards the ambitious goal the bottom-up creation of a fully fledged living artificial intelligence. Few data are available on the pattern of use of fit notes issued in secondary care settings. To evaluate the pattern and quality of e-fit notes issued in an NHS Trust. Anonymized data on patients admitted to Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (London, UK) who had an e-fit note issued from 1 January to 31 August 2017 were analysed using descriptive statistical methods. Thematic analysis was used to group the free-text comments into distinct categories and themes. A total of 815 fit notes were issued during the study period. A total of 659 (81%) fit notes advised that patients were 'not fit' for work, whilst 156 (19%) advised that they 'may be fit' for work. The specialty with the highest proportion of patients assessed as may be fit was plastic surgery 46/104 (44%), whilst the lowest was ear, nose and throat surgery 0/57 (0%). The majority 151/156 (97%) of fit notes which advised that patients may be fit for work used the tick-box sections on the fit note to recommend work modifi