Our findings show that patients with HNC living in low socioeconomic areas had worse OS. The aim of this study was to clarify the physical and mental burden of the COIVD-19 pandemic on obstetricians and gynecologists in Japan and to identify factors that increase the burden of their psychological stress. A web-based questionnaire was sent to obstetricians and gynecologists in Japan via email and social media to collect voluntary responses. This survey was conducted from September 1 to 30, 2020. A total of 852 valid responses were included in the analysis; 76% (644) of the physicians felt that the COVID-19 pandemic caused them physical and mental stress equal to or greater than the most severe disaster they had ever experienced. Physicians who reported high mental and physical stress were more likely to be in areas with high numbers of infected patients (odds ratio (OR) 1.571, p=0.012). Physicians experienced great stress to the point of wearing heavy personal protective equipment during routine vaginal deliveries by mothers with no COVID-19 symptoms. This trend was markedly pronounced for physicians working in regions with fewer cases of COVID-19 infection. Obstetricians and gynecologists who reported high mental and physical stress were more likely to be in areas with high numbers of infected patients. One potential reason for this may be that they were required to wear more personal protective equipment than necessary. Infection control methods that ensure the safety of obstetricians and gynecologists while not causing unnecessary physical or psychological stress are needed. Obstetricians and gynecologists who reported high mental and physical stress were more likely to be in areas with high numbers of infected patients. One potential reason for this may be that they were required to wear more personal protective equipment than necessary. Infection control methods that ensure the safety of obstetricians and gynec