er(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ.BACKGROUND There is no consensus regarding the best treatment option for unruptured aneurysms of the posterior communicating artery (PCom) presenting with oculomotor nerve palsy (ONP). We aimed to assess predictors of ONP recovery in a multicenter series of consecutive patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective review of prospective databases in three tertiary neurosurgical centers was carried out, selecting patients with ONP caused by unruptured PCom aneurysms, treated by surgical clipping or embolization, between January 2006 and December 2013. Patient files and imaging studies were used to extract ophthalmological assessments, treatment outcomes, and follow-up data. Predictors of ONP recovery during follow-up were explored using univariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS We identified 55 patients with a median ONP duration before treatment of 11 days (IQR 4.5-18); the deficit was complete in 27 (49.1%) and incomplete in 28 (50.9%) cases. Median aneurysm size was 7 mm (IQR 5-9). Twenty-four (43.6%) patients underwent surgical clipping and 31 (56.4%) embolization as the primary treatment. Overall, ONP improved in 40 (72.7%) patients and persisted/recurred in 15 (27.3 %). Surgery, interval to complete treatment less then 4 weeks, aneurysm recurrence during follow-up, and retreatment during follow-up were significantly correlated with ONP outcome in the univariate analysis. In the multivariate analysis, independent predictors of ONP improvement were interval to complete treatment less then 4 weeks (OR 5.15, 95% CI 1.37 to 23.71, p=0.015) and aneurysm recurrence during follow-up (OR 0.1, 95% CI 0.02 to 0.47, p=0.003). CONCLUSION There was no significant difference in ONP recovery between surgical clipping and embolization. The best predictor for ONP recovery was timely, complete, and durable aneurysm exclusion. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVE We investigated the association between changes in weight status from childhood through adulthood and subsequent type 2 diabetes risks and whether educational attainment, smoking, and leisure time physical activity (LTPA) modify this association. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Using data from 10 Danish and Finnish cohorts including 25,283 individuals, childhood BMI at 7 and 12 years was categorized as normal or high using age- and sex-specific cutoffs ( less then 85th or ≥85th percentile). Adult BMI (20-71 years) was categorized as nonobese or obese ( less then 30.0 or ≥30.0 kg/m2, respectively). Associations between BMI patterns and type 2 diabetes (989 women and 1,370 men) were analyzed using Cox proportional hazard regressions and meta-analysis techniques. RESULTS Compared with individuals with a normal BMI at 7 years and without adult obesity, those with a high BMI at 7 years and adult obesity had higher type 2 diabetes risks (hazard ratio [HR]girls 5.04 [95% CI 3.92-6.48]; HRboys 3.78 [95% CI 2.68-5.33]). Individuals with a high BMI at 7 years but without adult obesity did not have a higher risk (HRgirls 0.74 [95% CI 0.52-1.06]; HRboys 0.93 [95% CI 0.65-1.33]). Education, smoking, and LTPA were associated with diabetes risks, but did not modify or confound the associations with BMI changes. Results for 12 years of age were similar. CONCLUSIONS A high BMI in childhood was associated with higher type 2 diabetes risks only if individuals also had obesity in adulthood. These associations were not influenced by educational and lifestyle factors, indicating that BMI is similarly related to the risk across all levels of these factors. © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association.OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to quantify the excess risk of autoimmune hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, Addison disease, celiac disease, and atrophic gastritis in adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) compared with nondiabetic individuals in Finland. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The study included 4,758 individuals with T1D from the Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy (FinnDiane) Study and 12,710 nondiabetic control individuals. The autoimmune diseases (ADs) were identified by linking the data with the Finnish nationwide health registries from 1970 to 2015. RESULTS The median age of the FinnDiane individuals at the end of follow-up in 2015 was 51.4 (interquartile range 42.6-60.1) years, and the median duration of diabetes was 35.5 (26.5-44.0) years. Of individuals with T1D, 22.8% had at least one additional AD, which included 31.6% of women and 14.9% of men. The odds ratios for hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, celiac disease, Addison disease, and atrophic gastritis were 3.43 (95% CI 3.09-3.81), 2.98 (2.27-3.90), 4.64 (3.71-5.81), 24.13 (5.60-104.03), and 5.08 (3.15-8.18), respectively, in the individuals with T1D compared with the control individuals. The corresponding ORs for women compared with men were 2.96 (2.53-3.47), 2.83 (1.87-4.28), 1.52 (1.15-2.02), 2.22 (0.83-5.91), and 1.36 (0.77-2.39), respectively, in individuals with T1D. Late onset of T1D and ageing increased the risk of hypothyroidism, whereas young age at onset of T1D increased the risk of celiac disease. CONCLUSIONS This is one of the largest studies quantifying the risk of coexisting AD in adult individuals with T1D in the country with the highest incidence of T1D in the world. The results highlight the importance of continuous screening for other ADs in individuals with T1D. © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association.OBJECTIVE Corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL) represents a biomarker for diabetic distal symmetric polyneuropathy (DSP). We aimed to determine the reference distribution of annual CNFL change, the prevalence of abnormal change in diabetes, and its associated clinical variables. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We examined 590 participants with diabetes [399 type 1 diabetes (T1D) and 191 type 2 diabetes (T2D)] and 204 control patients without diabetes with at least 1 year of follow-up and classified them according to rapid corneal nerve fiber loss (RCNFL) if CNFL change was below the fifth percentile of the control patients without diabetes. RESULTS Control patients without diabetes were 37.9 ± 19.8 years old, had median follow-up of three visits over 3.0 years, and mean annual change in CNFL was -0.1% (90% CI, -5.9 to 5.0%). RCNFL was defined by values exceeding the fifth percentile of 6% loss. Participants with T1D were 39.9 ± 18.7 years old, had median follow-up of three visits over 4.4 years, and mean annual change in CNFL was -0.