The prevalence of suicidal behavior over the last 12 months in problematic substance uses was found to be 41.4% with 95% of confidence interval (CI) (38.2-44.9). Perceived stigma, [AOR = 1.605, 95% CI (1.16-2.23)], family history of suicide [AOR = 3.22, 95% CI (1.46-7.10)], physical illness [AOR = 2.45 95% CI (1.157-3.84)], rural resident [AOR = 1.74, 95% CI (1.16-2.62)], depression [AOR = 4.44, 95% CI (3.15-6.27)] and living alone (AOR = 1.61, 95% CI (1.16-2.24) were risks factors for suicidal behavior. Suicidal behavior in problematic substance uses found to be high. Health workers should pay attention to decrease suicidal behavior and to control amendable factors. Suicidal behavior in problematic substance uses found to be high. Health workers should pay attention to decrease suicidal behavior and to control amendable factors. Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is an ultra-rare genetic disorder (prevalence 1150`000) characterized by instant painful phototoxic burn reactions in skin exposed to visible light. Afamelanotide is the first clinically tested therapy effectively increasing the time EPP patients can spend in direct sunlight without developing symptoms and reducing the number and severity of phototoxic reactions. We report our data on real-world effectiveness of afamelanotide treatment in EPP and its phototoxic burn protection factor (PBPF). We analysed clinical data collected between 2016 and 2018 in the Swiss EPP cohort (n = 39) on maximum phototoxic burn tolerance time (PBTT), i.e., maximum time spent in sunlight without phototoxic reaction, severity of phototoxic reactions as assessed by an 11-point Likert-type visual analogue scale (VAS), with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst possible pain, and Quality of Life (QoL), as assessed with an EPP-specific instrument. Before treatment, the PBTT was median 10 min (IQR 5-20). Under treatment, PBTT increased to median 180 min (IQR 120-240). Individual PBP