branch pulmonary artery stenosis, although iterative re-expansions are required.Indications for stenting should be considered and the stent indwelling time should be minimised. Silicone stents are superior in terms of lower rates of encrustation and stent symptoms. α-Blockers may have an off-label role in reducing both pain and urinary symptoms, while keeping an up-to-date stent register may help in ensuring that stents are not forgotten. There have been major advancements in the field of urologic reconstruction and gender-affirming surgeries over the past 10years. These operations have become increasingly complex involving multiple revisions, with limited healthy native tissue availability. Grafts are frequently needed when a patient's own tissue is expected to have poor wound-healing properties. To reduce the morbidity associated with autologous grafts and complications associated with synthetic grafts, acellular dermal matrices (ADMs) can be used as substitutes in genitourinary surgery as they demonstrate decreased immunogenicity and retaine structural integrity. The purpose of this review is to describe the importance and potential uses of ADMs by reviewing the literature and highlighting key examples of our institution's expanded application of ADM grafts in genitourinary reconstruction. We performed a literature review for the use of ADMs in genitourinary surgery including the search terms acellular dermal matrix, alloderm, extraceaft take. Haney NM, Huang MM, Liu JL, etal. Acellular Dermal Matrix Tissues in Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery A Review of the Literature and Case Discussions. Sex Med Rev 2020;XX;XXX-XXX. Our experience and the current literature suggest that human ADM is a valuable option for tunica albuginea replacement, but its use to support free grafts should be cautioned secondary to graft take. Haney NM, Huang MM, Liu JL, et al. Acellular Dermal Matrix Tissues in Genitourinary R