Compared to the control group, students who had been prepared demonstrated better quality of cadaveric dissection, improved academic performance, reported less mental distress and greater intrinsic motivation. Moreover, students reported the oral presentation to be most relevant and journal articles to be least useful in their preparation. Therefore, this is an effective approach in the amelioration of mental distress and improvement of performance in anatomy students. Consequently, this study represents a paradigm shift in the pedagogy of anatomy, and could represent a vital element in the evolution of a revitalized anatomy curriculum. To undertake the first comprehensive evaluation of the urinary microbiota associated with Hunner lesion (HL) interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS). Despite no previous identification of a distinct IC/BPS microbial urotype, HL IC/BPS, an inflammatory subtype of IC/BPS, was hypothesized most likely to be associated with a specific bacterial species or microbial pattern. The bacterial microbiota of midstream urine specimens from HL IC/BPS and age- and gender-matched IC/BPS patients without HL (non-HL IC/BPS) were examined using the pan-bacterial domain clinical-level molecular diagnostic Pacific Biosciences full-length 16S gene sequencing protocol, informatics pipeline and database. We characterized the differential presence, abundances, and diversity of species, as well as gender-specific differences between and among HL and non-HL IC/BPS patients. A total of 59 patients with IC/BPS were enrolled (29 HL, 30 non-HL; 43 women, 16 men) from a single centre and the microbiota in midstream urineom colonization/contamination remote from the bladder. We were not able to show that bacteria play an important role in patients with HL IC/BPS. We were not able to identify a unique pathogenic urinary microbiota that differentiates all HL from all non-HL IC/BPS. It is likely that the