In the present study, we investigated the effect of Reelin microinjection into the mouse hippocampus on behavioral phenotypes to evaluate the role of Reelin in neurodevelopmental disorders and to test a therapeutic approach that extends beyond classical monoamine targets. To model the cognitive and emotional deficits, as well as histological decreases in Reelin-positive cell numbers and hippocampal synaptoporin distribution, a synaptic vesicle protein, offspring that were prenatally exposed to maternal immune activation were used. Microinjections of recombinant Reelin protein into the hippocampus rescued impairments in object memory and anxiety-like behavior and recruited synaptoporin in the hippocampus in offspring exposed to antenatal inflammation. These results suggest that Reelin supplementation has the potential to treat cognitive and emotional impairments, as well as synaptic disturbances, in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia.Synaptic pathology is one of the major hallmarks observed from the early stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD), leading to cognitive and memory impairment characteristic of AD patients. Synaptic connectivity and specificity are regulated by multiple trans-bindings between pre- and post-synaptic organizers, the complex of which exerts synaptogenic activity. Neurexins (NRXs) and Leukocyte common antigen-related receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (LAR-RPTPs) are the major presynaptic organizers promoting synaptogenesis through their distinct binding to a wide array of postsynaptic organizers. Recent studies have shown that amyloid-β oligomers (AβOs), a major detrimental molecule in AD, interact with NRXs and neuroligin-1, an NRX-binding postsynaptic organizer, to cause synaptic impairment. On the other hand, LAR-RPTPs and their postsynaptic binding partners have no interaction with AβOs, and their synaptogenic activity is maintained even in the presence of AβOs