All data and biospecimens are processed and stored in a standardised manner. The primary outcomes are mortality and end-stage renal disease. The secondary outcomes will be deterioration renal function, remission of proteinuria, cardiovascular events and quality of life. Ethical approval has been obtained from the institutional review board of each participating centre and ethics oversight committee. The KORNERSTONE is designed to deliver pioneer insights into glomerular diseases. The study design allows comprehensive, integrated and high-quality data collection on baseline laboratory findings, clinical outcomes including administrative data and digital pathologic images. This may provide various biospecimens and information to many researchers, establish the rationale for future more individualised treatment strategies for glomerular diseases. NCT03929887 . NCT03929887 . After-school care programs have garnered interest in recent years as the hours of 300-600 p.m. are an opportune time for children to engage in healthy behaviours, specifically healthy eating and physical activity. Care providers are major influencers within the after-school care setting, impacting health promoting opportunities for children. However, little is known regarding the role care providers play in health promotion interventions in the after-school care setting, specifically those using comprehensive approaches. The purpose of this research was to explore care providers' role and experience promoting healthy eating and physical activity through the after-school care health promotion intervention School's Out … Let's Move (SOLMo). SOLMo was guided by the evidence-based comprehensive school health framework. SOLMo had two main goals [1] to serve a healthy snack with vegetable or fruit, and milk or water as the drink; [2] to include 30 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity. The intervention in and 5) role tension. As major influencers, care providers play a crucial role in promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours for children. This research provides valuable insight into this role and the implementation of comprehensive health promotion approaches in the after-school setting. Findings contribute to the implementation knowledge base and help inform the promotion of healthy lifestyle behaviours for children. As major influencers, care providers play a crucial role in promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours for children. This research provides valuable insight into this role and the implementation of comprehensive health promotion approaches in the after-school setting. Findings contribute to the implementation knowledge base and help inform the promotion of healthy lifestyle behaviours for children. Men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TGW) are disproportionately impacted by HIV and may face barriers to HIV status disclosure with negative ramifications for HIV prevention and care. We evaluated HIV status disclosure to sexual partners, HIV treatment outcomes, and stigma patterns of MSM and TGW in Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria. Previously-diagnosed MSM and TGW living with HIV who enrolled in the TRUST/RV368 cohort from March 2013 to August 2018 were asked, "Have you told your (male/female) sexual partners (MSP/FSP) that you are living with HIV?" In separate analyses, robust Poisson regression models were used to estimate risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for characteristics associated with HIV status disclosure to MSP and FSP. Self-reported stigma indicators were compared between groups. Of 493 participants living with HIV, 153 (31.0%) had disclosed their HIV status to some or all MSP since being diagnosed. Among 222 with FSP, 34 (15.3%) had disclosed to some or allosure may improve HIV management outcomes in these highly-marginalized populations with a high burden of HIV infection. HIV status disclosure to sexual partners was uncommon among Nigerian MSM and TGW living with HIV but was associated with improved HIV care outcomes. Disclosure was not associated with substantially increased experiences of stigma. Strategies to encourage HIV status disclosure may improve HIV management outcomes in these highly-marginalized populations with a high burden of HIV infection. The occurrence and degree of suicidal ideation during the past month in adolescents should be regarded seriously. Several studies have noted that humor expression style and depressive emotion may influence adolescents' suicidal ideation. However, there is insufficient evidence concerning whether positive emotion reduces such suicidal ideation in adolescents. In addition, the relationships among humor expression, depressive emotion, positive emotion and suicidal ideation remain to be confirmed. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to test the mediating roles of depressive emotion and positive emotion in the relationship between humor expression and recent adolescent's suicidal ideation. A total of 1551 students in junior high school completed questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.80 and Monte Carlo resampling with R. The results indicate that suicidal ideation in adolescents during the past month was related not only to humor expression but mediate the influence of humor expression on suicidal ideation among adolescents, and positive emotion may mediate the influence of depressive emotion on suicidal ideation. More attention should be paid to decreasing adolescents' self-deprecating humor expression and depressive emotion, whereas more witty response humor expression and positive emotion should be encouraged to prevent their suicidal ideation. Back pain is an important public health problem and the leading cause of adult disability worldwide and is rising among schoolchildren populations. Despite numerous studies reporting on back care interventions in pediatric population; there is currently no existing theory-based instrument to assess impact and outcome of these programs. This paper reports on development and psychometric testing of a theory based back-care behavior instrument for use among elementary schoolchildren. This was a three-phases study that included the following steps a) a literature research to review existing instruments that assess healthy spine-related behavior in elementary schoolchildren; b) development of a new instrument namely the Back-care Behavior Assessment Questionnaire (BABAQ) based on the Social Cognitive Theory and existing instruments, and c) conducting a cross sectional study to test psychometric properties of the BABAQ by estimating the content validity ratio (CVR), the content validity index (CVI), performing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability analysis, and convergent validity as estimated by the Average Variance Extracted (AVE).