Patients who are supine should, whenever possible, be raised upwards to limit the need to lean towards them. Any item required during a procedure should be positioned on trays or trolleys that are close to the dominant hand. Pregnancy affects the requirements for standing, manually handling, applying force when operating equipment or moving machines and the period over which the individual might have to work without a break. Employers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate disability in the workplace. Any member of staff with a physical impairment needs to be accommodated and this includes making provision for a wheelchair user who needs to enter the operating theatre and perform their work. Focal impaired awareness seizures (FIASs) are the most common seizure type in adults and are often refractory to medication. Management of FIASs is clinically challenging, and new interventions are needed for better seizure control. The amygdala-kindling model is a preclinical model of FIASs with secondary generalization. The present study assessed the efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD), ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and a combination of CBD and THC in a 151 ratio at suppressing focal and secondarily generalized seizures in the amygdala-kindled rat. Fully kindled, male Sprague Dawley rats, with bipolar electrodes implanted in the right amygdala, were given either CBD (0-320mg/kg), THC (0-40mg/kg), or a combination of CBD and THC (151 ratio, multiple doses) intraperitoneally. Suprathreshold kindling stimulation was administered 1 h (THC) or 2 h (CBD) after drug injection, and outcomes were assessed using focal electroencephalographic recording and the Racine seizure scale. CBD alone produced a partial suppreindling model, although THC produces suppression of the amygdala focus only at doses that produce hypolocomotion. The addition of small amounts of THC greatly improves the effectiveness of CBD. A combination of CBD and THC