late. accommodates Deb. crenulatus generation. et sp. november. through Didemnum molle (Herdmann, The 1880's), Spheromolgus gen. december. benefits S. rarus generation. ainsi que sp. december. via Diplosoma simile (Sluiter, 1909), and also Alupa style. late. serves The. geminata age bracket. avec sp. november. via Leptoclinides madara Tokioka, 1953. The residual brand-new types are usually Debruma deplanata sp. nov. via Ascidia ornata Monniot P oker. Monniot D., Late 2001, Lichomolgidium bipartitum sp. december. via Pyura stolonifera (Heller, 1878), Lichomolgus papuensis sp. late. coming from Rhopalaea circula Monniot F. Monniot C., Mid 2001, M. brevicaudatus sp. november. through the unknown species of Polycarpa Heller, 1877, L. alatus sp. december. from Synoicum castellatum Kott, 92, T. lepidotus sp. december. through Aplidium altarium (Sluiter, 1909), and Lobomolgus foveolatus sp. nov. coming from Didemnum molle (Herdmann, The 1880's). Furthermore, redescriptions are offered pertaining to Henicoxiphium redactum Illg Humes, '71, Lichomolgidium sardum Kossmann, 1877, Lichomolgus canui Sars, 1917, D. forficula Thorell, 1860, and also Zygomolgus dentatus Kim My spouse and i.., '06.Rearing info for 12 species of your subfamily Agromyzinae along with Fifty-seven species of Phytomyzinae can be offered in more detail through content gathered during the last 12 many years, generally inside Ukraine. Statistics associated with cephalopharyngeal pumpkin heads or scarecrows, brains, woman terminalia, man terminalia (exactly where required) and also photos associated with host crops together with mines as well as rear spiracles involving puparia are provided. More effective brand new types are usually defined through specimens raised via Monocotyledons (Carex) and also Dicotyledons (Achillea, Stachys, Tropaeolum, Torilis) Melanagromyza achilleacaulis spec. december., Ophiomyia foliaphila specifications. november., Amauromyza (Amauromyza) stachysi specifications. late., Cerodontha (Butomomyza) gibbifera specification on the handset. december., H. (B.) hreblensis spec. late., Liriomyza tropaeoli specification on the handset. late ., Phytomyza torilisi specification on the handset. november. New web host vegetation have been uncovered with regard to Agromyza albipennis, A. hendeli, Ophiomyia versera, Amauromyza carlinae, A. leonuri, Cerodontha (Poemyza) lateralis, C. (S.) melica, C. (G.) spencerae, Chromatomyia horticola, Liriomyza heringi, M. hieracii, T. pusilla, L. tragopogonis, Phytomyza hellebori, R. medicaginis, G. obscura and also R. origani. Forty-seven kinds are usually freshly recorded with regard to Ukraine.The particular species of Pentatomidae proven to occur n . associated with Mexico, including 223 kinds within '68 overal, are usually enumerated with taxonomic paperwork and also up-to-date and annotated withdrawals. Particularly revise tend to be 126 new express data described for Sixty two pentatomid varieties inside Thirty overal. The copious annotations in these distributions and attendant bibliography be a comprehensive selection of overlooked recommendations that could incorporate distributional information with regard to some other pest, particularly heteropteran, varieties.Exploration of the range as well as taxonomy associated with feather termites in the subfamily Pterodectinae (Astigmata Proctophyllodidae) in passerines (Passeriformes) along with kingfishers (Coraciiformes Alcedinidae) inside Manitoba exposed 20 types in five genera. Of these, ten fresh varieties are defined, seven of these through passerines and one from a kingfisher Alaudicola eremophila sp. d. through Eremophila alpestris (Alaudidae), Amerodectes icteri sp. n. coming from Icterus galbula (Icteridae), Any. pheucticus sp. and. through Pheucticus ludovicianus (Cardinalidae), Any. tiffanyluiae sp. d. via Oporornis agilis (Parulidae), A new. tretiakae sp. n. via Molothrus ater (Icteridae), Tyrannidectes sealyi sp. in. from Tyrannus tyrannus (Linnaeus, 1758) (type web host) and also Tyrannus verticalis Say, and also Big t. empidonicus sp. d. through Empidonax minimus (Tyrannidae), and also Proterothrix megaceryle sp. d. coming from Megaceryle alcyon (Alcedinidae). Furthermore, eight pterodectine varieties are reported the very first time within the wildlife of Europe. Depending on re-evaluation involving analysis charcters, fresh conclusions tend to be proposed for your genera Amerodectes, Tyrannidectes, along with Metapterodectes, as well as kinds contents of these kind of genera are revised.