The psychedelic effects of some plants and fungi have been known and deliberately exploited by humans for thousands of years. Fungi, particularly mushrooms, are the principal source of naturally occurring psychedelics. The mushroom extract, psilocybin has historically been used as a psychedelic agent for religious and spiritual ceremonies, as well as a therapeutic option for neuropsychiatric conditions. Psychedelic use was largely associated with the "hippie" counterculture movement, which, in turn, resulted in a growing, and still lingering, negative stigmatization for psychedelics. As a result, in 1970, the U.S. government rescheduled psychedelics as Schedule 1 drugs, ultimately ending scientific research on psychedelics. This prohibition on psychedelic drug research significantly delayed advances in medical knowledge on the therapeutic uses of agents such as psilocybin. A 2004 pilot study from the University of California, Los Angeles, exploring the potential of psilocybin treatment in patients with advanced-stage cancer managed to reignite interest and significantly renewed efforts in psilocybin research, heralding a new age in exploration for psychedelic therapy. Since then, significant advances have been made in characterizing the chemical properties of psilocybin as well as its therapeutic uses. This review will explore the potential of psilocybin in the treatment of neuropsychiatry-related conditions, examining recent advances as well as current research. This is not a systematic review.Protein kinase C (PKC) activation induces cellular reprogramming and differentiation in various cell models. Although many effectors of PKC physiological actions have been elucidated, the molecular mechanisms regulating oligodendrocyte differentiation after PKC activation are still unclear. Here, we applied a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) approach to provide a comprehensive analysis of the proteome expression changes in the MO3.13 oligodendroglial cell line after PKC activation. Our findings suggest that multiple networks that communicate and coordinate with each other may finally determine the fate of MO3.13 cells, thus identifying a modular and functional biological structure. In this work, we provide a detailed description of these networks and their participating components and interactions. Such assembly allows perturbing each module, thus describing its physiological significance in the differentiation program. We applied this approach by targeting the Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) in PKC-activated cells. Overall, our findings provide a resource for elucidating the PKC-mediated network modules that contribute to a more robust knowledge of the molecular dynamics leading to this cell fate transition.When myocardial function is compromised as in heart failure (HF), there is activation of the sympathetic nervous system with elevated circulating catecholamine levels. These catecholamines activate cardiac and extra-cardiac adrenergic receptors (ARs). Interest in secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs) from the heart is growing and in HF, it is not known whether excessive activation of α- or β-adrenergic receptors (ARs) could induce specific changes in EV content. In this study, we have evaluated, by next generation sequencing, the small RNA content, including micro-RNAs (miRs), of circulating EVs of mice exposed to chronic selective α- or β- AR stimulation. EVs from mouse blood were purified by differential ultracentrifugation resulting in EVs with an average size of 116.6 ± 4.8 nm that by immunoblotting included protein markers of EVs. We identified the presence of miRs in blood EVs using miR-21-5p and -16-5p real-time PCR as known constituents of blood exosomes that make up a portion of EVs. We next performecal remodeling of the heart but alter other organs due to secretion of EVs with altered miR content.The computer vision community has paid much attention to the development of visible image super-resolution (SR) using deep neural networks (DNNs) and has achieved impressive results. The advancement of non-visible light sensors, such as acoustic imaging sensors, has attracted much attention, as they allow people to visualize the intensity of sound waves beyond the visible spectrum. However, because of the limitations imposed on acquiring acoustic data, new methods for improving the resolution of the acoustic images are necessary. At this time, there is no acoustic imaging dataset designed for the SR problem. This work proposed a novel backprojection model architecture for the acoustic image super-resolution problem, together with Acoustic Map Imaging VUB-ULB Dataset (AMIVU). The dataset provides large simulated and real captured images at different resolutions. The proposed XCycles BackProjection model (XCBP), in contrast to the feedforward model approach, fully uses the iterative correction procedure in each cycle to reconstruct the residual error correction for the encoded features in both low- and high-resolution space. The proposed approach was evaluated on the dataset and showed high outperformance compared to the classical interpolation operators and to the recent feedforward state-of-the-art models. It also contributed to a drastically reduced sub-sampling error produced during the data acquisition.Hepatic resection (HR) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) may require secondary liver transplantation (SLT). However, a previous HR is supposed to worsen post-SLT outcomes. Data of patients treated by SLT between 2000 and 2018 at two tertiary referral centers were analyzed. The primary outcome of the study was to analyze the impact of HR on post-LT complications. A Comprehensive Complication Index ≥ 29.6 was chosen as cutoff. The secondary outcome was HCC-related death by means of competing-risk regression analysis. In the study period, 140 patients were included. Patients were transplanted in a median of 23 months after HR (IQR 14-41). Among all the features analyzed regarding the prior HR, only time interval between HR and SLT (time HR-SLT) was an independent predictor of severe complications after LT (OR = 0.98, p less then 0.001). According to fractional polynomial regression, the probability of severe complications increased up to 15 months after HR (43%), then slowly decreased over time (OR = 0.88, p less then 0.