Discovery in the fresh HLA-C*01:179 allele in the the southern area of China affected person. this was not associated with an influx of inflammatory cells. Future investigations should focus on evaluating the long-term consequences of this cardiac involvement.Caustic ingestion represents a serious social-medical problem due to the devastating and irreversible consequences it can produce in the upper digestive tract. In Ibero-America, there are no published reliable data on the incidence or prevalence of caustic-induced injuries, and most of the available information on clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis is based on retrospective clinical series and, indeed, its clinical management is often based primarily on expert opinion. Re cently as an initiative of the Latin American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (LASPGHAN) and with the cooperation of the Spanish Society for Pediatric Gastroente rology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SEGHNP), we have designed a Clinical Practice Guideline that include a series of statements and recommendations aimed at optimizing patient medical care which is based on the systematic review of evidence. Two (2) separate papers focused on the evaluation of physiopathological and clinical-endoscopic diagnostic features of caustic esophagitis in children (1st. Paper) and, on the other hand, the most relevant therapeutic considerations (2nd. Paper). We expect this guideline to become a useful tool for the physician in the difficult decision-making process when assessing patients after caustic ingestion.Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most frequent bacterial infection in pediatrics. However, its diagnosis and management can be complicated due to the nonspecific clinical presentation, the difficulty of exams interpretation, especially in younger children, and an uncertain prognosis regar ding renal damage. In recent years, significant worldwide change has come in treatment, diagnosis, and images studies, we have decided to update the current recommendations on UTI management published by the Pediatric Nephrology branch of Chilean Pediatrics Society in previous years. The purpose of these recommendations is to reduce the variability of clinical practice in management of UTI in our pediatric population, favoring diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in the most ap propriate way, improving detection and management of structural pathology and other risk factors of renal damage, avoiding unnecessary actions in children with low risk. This first part includes diag nosis and treatment recommendations of urinary tract infection in pediatric age. In the second part the study, prevention and monitoring of urinary tract in pediatric age is detailed.The presence of externalizing behaviors in childhood has significant degrees of future self-continuity and is a risk factor for school failure and drop-out, criminal behavior, substance abuse and depen dence, suicidal behaviors and other developmental psychopathological disorders. In this review, the main aspects related to parental practices strengthening programs are analyzed as useful instruments in the context of multi-component preventive work strategies. The evidence has shown that interven tion aimed at mothers and fathers is crucial in the modification of behavioral problems in children, where training in parental skills is one of the most studied strategies and considered of higher quality when preventing the development of externalizing behaviors.End-stage renal disease (ESRD) has an incidence of 5.5 to 9 pmp, and a prevalence of 23 to 65 pmp in children under 15 years of age. Chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) represents the most widely used renal replacement therapy in children before kidney transplantation. There are two PD modalities, the manual one (CAPD) and the automated one (APD). The choice is based on the peritoneum characteristics, evaluated through the peritoneal equilibrium test (PET), which divides patients into high transporters (rapid exchange membrane), high average, low average, and low transporters (slow exchange membrane). This test basically evaluates the solutes transport rate, and the MiniPET has been added which evaluates peritoneal free water transport. The amount of dialysis (Kt/V), which represents the dose of dialysis administered also must be evaluated to assure a minimal value of 1.7 related to morbidity and mortality. These parameters should be evaluated periodically to ad just the PD and whenever suspected an inadequate clearance or ultrafiltration. The objective of this review is to provide basic concepts on peritoneal transport physiology, PD modalities, free water transport and peritoneal solute transport evaluation, and the dialysis dose to be applied according to the patient's needs, as well as reviewing the correction mechanisms and procedure adjustment whenever required. Glucose Transporter Type 1 Deficiency Syndrome (GLUT1-DS) is caused by the SLC2A1 gene muta tion, which encodes the glucose transporter proteins to the brain Neurological manifestations occur in three main domains seizures, abnormal movements, and cognitive disorders. The diagnosis is presumed upon the finding of low CSF glucose and confirmed by the gene molecular analysis. Ac curate diagnosis is important because it has a specific treatment, which is ketogenic diet. To analyze two SD-GLUT1 pediatric patients with unusual phenotype. We present the case of two siblings who presented absence seizures and a paroxysmal movement disorder. Both patients were studied, finding low CSF glucose. The diagnosis of GLUT1-DS was confirmed with molecular analysis. Specific treatment with ketogenic diet achieved good response in both cases. Con clusions We present their peculiar clinical characteristics that allowed us to suspect this wide phe notypic spectrum. Correct and timely diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of those affected. We present the case of two siblings who presented absence seizures and a paroxysmal movement disorder. Both patients were studied, finding low CSF glucose. The diagnosis of GLUT1-DS was confirmed with molecular analysis. Specific treatment with ketogenic diet achieved good response in both cases. Con clusions We present their peculiar clinical characteristics that allowed us to suspect this wide phe notypic spectrum. Correct and timely diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of those affected.