Along the way, we will identify the limitations of current knowledge and provide suggestions for future research. Overall, we conclude that although ECs may once have held promise as part of a harm-reduction strategy in people who smoke lethal TCs, this role has been largely offset by the unconscionable marketing to our youth, in addition to a failure of regulation and enforcement, leading to significant harm, especially in never-smokers who use them.Glucocorticoids (GCs) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are steroids secreted by the adrenal glands into circulation to effect distant target tissues and coordinate physiological processes. This classic systemic view of steroids has been challenged by evidence that other tissues can independently synthesize their own steroids. Little is known however regarding circumstances that can promote this extra-adrenal steroidogenesis. Here we tested if fasting can induce tissues to increase GC and DHEA synthesis in the brown anole lizard Anolis sagrei. Lizards fasted for eight days lost body mass and increased fatty acid oxidation. Fasting also increased plasma concentrations of DHEA and corticosterone, but not cortisol. Corticosterone concentration within the adrenals, heart, intestines, lungs and liver exceeded that in plasma, with the latter two increasing with fasting. Levels of DHEA in the adrenals and heart were higher than in plasma, but no significant effect of fasting was observed, expect for a noticeable increase in intestinal DHEA. Two steroidogenic genes, the steroidogenic acute regulatory (Star) protein and Cyp17a1, a cytochrome P450 enzyme, were expressed in several tissues including the liver, lungs and intestines, which were increased with fasting. Continued research should aim to test for expression of additional enzymes further along the steroidogenic pathway. Nonetheless these data document potential extra-adrenal steroidogenesis as a possible mechanism for coping with energy shortages, although much work remains to be done to determine the specific roles of locally synthesized steroids in each tissue.We read with interest the review by Kord-Varkaneh et al. which examined the effects of vitamin D supplementation on IGF-1 levels in humans. We believe that the article suffers from severe methodological faults and subsequently the conclusions are likely to be biased. Thus, the authors should address the mentioned limitations and update the analyses to provide robust and trustful estimates. We are concerned that without correction, the analyses may lead to erroneous findings and conclusions.Sulfonamides are frequently detected in the environment, where these compounds adsorb to soil particles and are retained in the environment. However, adsorption of sulfonamides to planktonic particles in the sea is not known. Here we demonstrate that sulfonamides adsorb to a diatom (Chaetoceros) and an arthropod (Artemia), albeit at low levels, under laboratory conditions. In both plankton, sulfamethazine (SMT) was more readily adsorbed than was sulfamethoxazole (SMX). The adsorption occurred quickly and the concentration on the plankton was stable for at least 24 h (Chaetoceros) or 5 h (Artemia). These data suggest that marine plankton may retain sulfonamides, although the adsorbed concentration per cell or individual is not high.In the field of drug delivery, the most commonly used treatments have traditionally been systemically delivered using oral or intravenous administration. The problems associated with this type of delivery is that the drug concentration is controlled by first pass metabolism, and therefore may not always remain within the therapeutic window. Implantable drug delivery systems (IDDSs) are an excellent alternative to traditional delivery because they offer the ability to precisely control the drug release, deliver drugs locally to the target tissue, and avoid the toxic side effects often experienced with systemic administration. Since the creation of the first FDA-approved IDDS in 1990, there has been a surge in research devoted to fabricating and testing novel IDDS formulations. The versatility of these systems is evident when looking at the various biomedical applications that utilize IDDSs. This review provides an overview of the history of IDDSs, with examples of the different types of IDDS formulations, as well as looking at current and future biomedical applications for such systems. Though there are still obstacles that need to be overcome, ever-emerging new technologies are making the manufacturing of IDDSs a rewarding therapeutic endeavor with potential for further improvements.Metastatic breast cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer-related death in women worldwide. The transmembrane metalloprotease-disintegrin (ADAM8) protein is highly overexpressed in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells and potentiates tumor cell invasion and extracellular matrix remodeling. Exploiting the high expression levels of ADAM8 in TNBC cells by delivering anti-ADAM8 antibodies efficiently to the targeted site can be a promising strategy for therapy of TNBC. For instance, a targeted approach with the aid of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (UHF-MRI) activatable thermosensitive liposomes (LipTS-GD) could specifically increase the intracellular accumulation of cytotoxic drugs. The surface of doxorubicin-loaded LipTS-GD was modified by covalent coupling of MAB1031 antibody (LipTS-GD-MAB) in order to target the overexpressed ADAM8 in ADAM8 positive MDA-MB-231 cells. Physicochemical characterization of these liposomes was performed using size, surface morphology and UHF-MRI imaging analysis. In vitro cell targeting was investigated by the washing and circulation method. Intracellular trafficking and lysosomal colocalization were assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Cell viability, biocompatibility and in-ovo CAM assays were performed to determine the effectiveness and safety profiles of liposome formulations. Our results show specific binding and induction of doxorubicin release after LipTS-GD-MAB treatment caused a higher cytotoxic effect at the cellular target site.