Overall, our study reveals that with their dynamically stable 1T- and 1H-phases, single-layers of CaX2 crystals can be alternative ultra-thin insulators.A series of experiments demonstrates that strong light-matter coupling between vibrational excitations in isotropic solutions of molecules and resonant infrared optical microcavity modes leads to modified thermally activated kinetics. However, Galego et al. [Phys. Rev. X 9, 021057 (2019)] recently demonstrated that, within transition state theory, effects of strong light-matter coupling with reactive modes are mostly electrostatic and essentially independent of light-matter resonance or even of the formation of vibrational polaritons. To analyze this puzzling theoretical result in further detail, we revisit it under a new light, invoking a normal mode analysis of the transition state and reactant configurations for an ensemble of an arbitrary number of molecules in a cavity, obtaining simple analytical expressions that produce similar conclusions as Feist. While these effects become relevant in optical microcavities if the molecular dipoles are anisotropically aligned, or in cavities with extreme confinement of the photon modes, they become negligible for isotropic solutions in microcavities. It is concluded that further studies are necessary to track the origin of the experimentally observed kinetics.The site-specific first microsolvation step of furan and some of its derivatives with methanol is explored to benchmark the ability of quantum-chemical methods to describe the structure, energetics, and vibrational spectrum at low temperature. Infrared and microwave spectra in supersonic jet expansions are used to quantify the docking preference and some relevant quantum states of the model complexes. Microwave spectroscopy strictly rules out in-plane docking of methanol as opposed to the top coordination of the aromatic ring. Contrasting comparison strategies