Some countries (eg, Belgium and Netherlands) have lost their favourable positions due to an increasing fall-related injury burden of disease since 1990. CONCLUSIONS From 1990 to 2017, there was considerable variation in fall-related injury incidence, mortality, DALY rates and its composites in the 22 countries in the Western European region. It may be useful to assess which fall prevention measures have been taken in countries that showed continuous low or decreasing incidence, death and DALY rates despite ageing of the population. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ.BACKGROUND Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in Wisconsin. Between the years 2012 and 2016, rural counties in Wisconsin had statistically significantly higher rates of suicide than urban counties. Counties in northern and western Wisconsin have some of the highest rates of suicide, with several counties having rates nearly double the state suicide rate for the same time period. STUDY AIM This study investigates the utility of a systems-level, primary prevention suicide prevention strategy in reducing suicide in a rural Wisconsin county. This project focuses upstream to promote behavioural health resiliency and decrease risk factors for suicide. RESULTS County-level suicide rates decreased over time. Youth Risk Behaviour Survey results demonstrate that the percentage of students in the high school who report that they have an adult in the school to turn to for support increased by 11%. In addition, the number of students reporting a suicide attempt over the past 12 months decreased from 8.4% to 7.2%. Trust among project partners remained above 75% across the three survey timepoints, and the results demonstrated that power became more equally dispersed over time. There was an increase in community knowledge in where to go for help in an emotional crisis. DISCUSSION Systems change to prevent suic