In parallel, acoustic simulations performed on the same halls through standard ray-tracing techniques enabled a systematic comparison between the two numerical approaches highlighting significant differences in terms of input data. The ability of the FDTD code to detect the typical acoustic scenarios occurring in coupled-volume halls is confirmed through multi-slope decay analysis and impulse responses' spectral content.The effects of age and mild hearing loss over the extended high-frequency (EHF) range from 9000 to 16 000 Hz on speech perception and auditory stream segregation were assessed using four groups (1) young with normal hearing threshold levels (HTLs) over both the conventional and EHF range; (2) older with audiograms matched to those for group 1; (3) young with normal HTLs over the conventional frequency range and elevated HTLs over the EHF range; (4) older with audiograms matched to those for group 3. For speech in quiet, speech recognition thresholds and speech identification scores did not differ significantly across groups. For monosyllables in noise, both greater age and hearing loss over the EHF range adversely affected performance, but the effect of age was much larger than the effect of hearing status. Stream segregation was assessed using a rapid sequence of vowel stimuli differing in fundamental frequency (F0). Larger differences in F0 were required for stream segregation for the two groups with impaired hearing in the EHF range, but there was no significant effect of age. It is argued that impaired hearing in the EHF range is associated with impaired auditory function at lower frequencies, despite normal audiometric thresholds at those frequencies.Pure-tone thresholds have long served as a gold standard for evaluating hearing sensitivity and documenting hearing changes related to medical treatments, toxic or otherwise hazardous exposures, ear disease, genetic disorders involving the ear, and deficits that develop