The representation of the lower jaw skin consisting of chin vibrissae and microvibrissae embedded in common fur is somatotopically organized in a single map in the contralateral SI. This physiological map shows that the activity from the vibrissae aligns with the CO-staining of the underlying LJBSF. LJBSF barrels receive topographically ordered barrel-specific input from individual vibrissa and microvibrissae in the lower jaw but not from trident whiskers. The barrel-free zone receives topographically ordered input from the lower lip. These data demonstrating that the LJBSF is a highly organized subfield are essential for understanding its possible role in cortical reorganization.Theoretical ecological models, such as succession and facilitation, were defined in terrestrial habitats, and subsequently applied to marine and freshwater habitats in intertidal and then subtidal realms. One such model is the soil seed bank, defined as all viable seeds (or fruits) found near the soil surface that facilitate community restoration/recovery. "Banks of microscopic forms" have been hypothesized in aquatic habitats and recent work from aquaculture has highlighted dormancy in algal life cycle stages. To reinvigorate the discussions about these algal banks, we discuss differences in life cycles, dispersal, and summarize research on banks of macroalgal stages in aquatic ecosystems that may be easier to explore with modern advances in molecular technology. With focus on seminal work in global kelp forest ecosystems, we present a pilot study in northern California as proof of concept that Nereocystis luetkeana and Alaria marginata stages can be detected within kelp forests in the biofilm of rocks and bedrock using targeted primers long after zoospore release. Considering the increased interest in algae as an economic resource, [blue] carbon sink, and as ecosystem engineers, the potential for "banking" macroalgal forms could be a mechanism of resilience and recovery in aquatic populations that have complex life cycles and environmental cues for reproduction. Molecular barcoding is becoming an important tool for identifying banks of macroalgal forms in marine communities. Understanding banks of macroalgal stages, especially in deforested habitats with intense disturbance and grazer pressure, will allow researchers and marine resource managers to facilitate this natural process in recovery of the aquatic system.Plant phased small interfering RNAs (phasiRNAs) contribute to robust male fertility; however, specific functions remain undefined. In maize (Zea mays), male sterile23 (ms23), necessary for both 24-nt phasiRNA precursor (24-PHAS) loci and Dicer-like5 (Dcl5) expression, and dcl5-1 mutants unable to slice PHAS transcripts lack nearly all 24-nt phasiRNAs. Based on sequence capture bisulfite-sequencing, we find that CHH DNA methylation of most 24-PHAS loci is increased in meiotic anthers of control plants but not in the ms23 and dcl5 mutants. Because dcl5-1 anthers express PHAS precursors, we conclude that the 24-nt phasiRNAs, rather than just activation of PHAS transcription, are required for targeting increased CHH methylation at these loci. Although PHAS precursors are processed into multiple 24-nt phasiRNA products, there is substantial differential product accumulation. Abundant 24-nt phasiRNA positions corresponded to high CHH methylation within individual loci, reinforcing the conclusion that 24-nt phasiRNAs contribute to increased CHH methylation in cis.Papillary renal cell carcinoma (pRCC) is characterized with underlying genetic disorders and the role enolase 2 (ENO2) in ccRCC is unknown. An in silico exploratory analysis using multiple public genetic datasets was used to establish association between ENO2 expression and clinicopathological parameters. Associations of interest were validated using 49 pRCC samples using immunohistochemistry. In vitro and in vivo assays were carried out to validate findings in tissue. ENO2 was overexpressed and prognostic in pRCC. ENO2 expression was significantly higher in younger patients and in CpG island methylator phenotype subtype. ENO2-overexpressed cases showed significant enrichment in glycolysis. Overexpression of ENO2 significantly increased proliferation and silencing of ENO2 significantly inhibited growth of ACHN cells. Glycolytic genes HK1, HK 2, and lactate dehydrogenase A were decreased when ENO2 was silenced in ACHN. Glycolytic inhibitor TT-232 showed minimal inhibitory effect on ACHN cells yet showed synergistic effect in the presence of ENO2 silencing. ENO2 significantly increased and decreased extracellular glucose, respectively in ACHN cells. Xenograft mouse model showed ENO2 silencing and TT-232 combination treatment showed synergistic effect in ACHN tumors. ENO2 is associated with worsened prognosis in pRCC and is related to glycolysis. ENO2-targeted therapy can be of therapeutic potential. The current gold standard diagnostic test for leptospirosis is the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), which has many drawbacks; therefore, the development of a better and easier serological test for leptospirosis is needed. To apply reverse vaccinology (RV) and antigenic selection on the assortment of leptospiral targets and evaluate their potential for use as reagents for the diagnosis of equine leptospirosis. Cross-sectional study. The antigenic selection parameters were proteins with antigenicity score ≥0.5 (VaxiJen), at least one B cell epitope and size between 10 and 275KDa. New leptospiral proteins were cloned, expressed and serologically screened against equine sera (n=128) on a single analysis and comparative combinations. Sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp), accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated. A BLAST with nucleotide and protein sequences was used to identify the serovar or species specificity. This cross-sectional analysis had increase the sensitivity and specificity of ELISA for detection of Leptospira exposure and the detection of leptospirosis in horses along with support from other clinical signs. Some of these new antigens might be used to improve the detection of infecting serovar.