Herein, a simple hierarchical surface patterning method is presented by effectively combining buckling instability and azopolymer-based surface relief grating inscription. In this technique, submicron patterns are achieved using azopolymers, whereas the microscale patterns are fabricated by subsequent thermal shrinkage. The wetting characterization of various topographically patterned surfaces confirms that the method permits tuning of contact angles and choosing between isotropic and anisotropic wetting. Altogether, this method allows efficient fabrication of hierarchical surfaces over several length scales in relatively large areas, overcoming some limitations of fabricating multiscale roughness in lithography and also methods of creating merely random patterns, such as black silicon processing or wet etching of metals. The demonstrated fine-tuning of the surface patterns may be useful in optimizing surface-related material properties, such as wetting and adhesion, producing substrates that are of potential interest in mechanobiology and tissue engineering.Microtubules are highly strategic targets of cancer therapies. Small molecule antimitotic agents are so far the best chemotherapeutic medication in cancer treatment. However, the high rate of neuropathy and drug resistance limit their clinical usage. Inspired by the multicomponent-targeting feature of molecular self-assembly (MSA) overcoming drug resistance, we synthesized peptide-based rotor molecules that self-assemble in response to the surrounding environment to target the microtubule array. The MSAs self-adjust morphologically in response to the pH change and viscosity variations during Golgi-endosome trafficking, escape trafficking cargos, and eventually bind to the microtubule array physically in a nonspecific manner. Such unrefined nano-bio interactions suppress regional tubulin polymerization triggering atypical prometaphase--metaphase oscillations to inh