It can be concluded that a combination of silk and gel is a natural biomaterial that can be utilized in wound dressings and to prepare more innovative silk based formulations for speedy recovery of chronic wounds. It can be concluded that a combination of Bombyx mori silk and Aloe vera gel is a natural biomaterial that can be utilized in wound dressings and to prepare more innovative silk based formulations for speedy recovery of chronic wounds. Sub-basal corneal nerves have been shown to change during neurotoxic chemotherapy treatment. This cross-sectional study investigated corneal nerve morphology in patients who have completed neurotoxic chemotherapy well after treatment cessation and its association with peripheral nerve function. Central corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL) and inferior whorl length (IWL), average nerve fiber length (ANFL), corneal nerve fiber density (CNFD) and corneal nerve branch density (CNBD), and nerve fiber area (CNFA) were examined using in vivo corneal confocal microscopy in patients with cancer who had completed treatment with either paclitaxel or oxaliplatin between 3 and 24 months prior to assessment in comparison with 2 separate groups of healthy controls. Neurological assessments were conducted including clinician- and patient-reported outcomes, and neurological grading scales. Both paclitaxel- ( = 40) and oxaliplatin-treated ( = 30) groups had reduced IWL and ANFL compared to the respective healthy controlnitoring of nerve function in patients receiving chemotherapy. Antisense oligonucleotides have been under investigation as potential therapeutics for many diseases, including inherited retinal diseases. Chemical modifications, such as chiral phosphorothioate (PS) backbone modification, are often used to improve stability and pharmacokinetic properties of these molecules. We aimed to generate a stereopure (metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1) antisense oligonucleotide as a tool to assess the impact stereochemistry has on potency, efficacy, and durability of oligonucleotide activity when delivered by intravitreal injection to eye. We generated a stereopure oligonucleotide (MALAT1-200) and assessed the potency, efficacy, and durability of its RNA-depleting activity compared with a stereorandom mixture, MALAT1-181, and other controls in in vitro assays, in vivo mouse and nonhuman primate (NHP) eyes, and ex vivo human retina cultures. The activity of the stereopure oligonucleotide is superior to its stereorandom mixture counterpart with the same sequence and chemical modification pattern in in vitro assays, in vivo mouse and NHP eyes, and ex vivo human retina cultures. Findings in NHPs showed durable activity of the stereopure oligonucleotide in the retina, with nearly 95% reduction of RNA maintained for 4 months postinjection. An optimized, stereopure antisense oligonucleotide shows enhanced potency, efficacy, and durability of RNA depletion in the eye compared with its stereorandom counterpart in multiple preclinical models. As novel therapeutics, stereopure oligonucleotides have the potential to enable infrequent administration and low-dose regimens for patients with genetic diseases of the eye. As novel therapeutics, stereopure oligonucleotides have the potential to enable infrequent administration and low-dose regimens for patients with genetic diseases of the eye. Animal models show retinal ganglion cell (RGC) injuries that replicate features of glaucoma and the contralateral eye is commonly used as an internal control. There is significant crossover of RGC axons from the ipsilateral to the contralateral side at the level of the optic chiasm, which may confound findings when damage is restricted to one eye. The effect of unilateral glaucoma on neuroinflammatory damage to the contralateral pathway of RGC projections has largely been unexplored. Ocular hypertensive glaucoma was induced unilaterally or bilaterally in the rat and RGC neurodegenerative events were assessed. Neuroinflammation was quantified in the retina, optic nerve head, optic nerve, lateral geniculate nucleus, and superior colliculus by high-resolution imaging, and in the retina by flow cytometry and protein arrays. After ocular hypertensive stress, peripheral monocytes enter the retina and microglia become reactive. This effect is more marked in animals with bilateral ocular hypertensive glaucoma. In rats where glaucoma was induced unilaterally, there was significant microglia activation in the contralateral (control) eye. Microglial activation extended into the optic nerve and terminal visual thalami, where it was similar across hemispheres in unilateral ocular hypertension. These data suggest that caution is warranted when using the contralateral eye as a control and in comparing visual thalami in unilateral models of glaucoma. The use of a contralateral eye as a control may confound the discovery of human-relevant mechanism and treatments in animal models. We also identify neuroinflammatory protein responses that warrant further investigation as potential disease-modifiable targets. The use of a contralateral eye as a control may confound the discovery of human-relevant mechanism and treatments in animal models. We also identify neuroinflammatory protein responses that warrant further investigation as potential disease-modifiable targets. Glaucoma remains a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Animal glaucoma models replicate high intraocular pressure, a risk factor for glaucoma, to induce retinal ganglion cell (RGC) degeneration. We describe an inducible, magnetic bead model in the Brown Norway rat in which we are able to determine degeneration across multiple RGC compartments at a time point that is appropriate for investigating neurodegenerative events and potential treatment effects. We induced ocular hypertension through injection of magnetic microspheres into the anterior chamber of Brown Norway rats; un-operated (naïve) rats served as controls. Intraocular pressure was recorded, and eye diameter measurements were taken before surgery and at the terminal end points. We assessed RGC degeneration and vascular changes through immunofluorescence, and axon transport to terminal brain thalami through intravitreal injection of fluorophore-conjugated cholera toxin subunit β. We observed clinically relevant features of disease accompanying RGC cell somal, axonal, and dendritic loss.