Promising activities were confirmed in the resistant cyst form of the amoeba and in additional clinical Acanthamoeba strains, increasing their therapeutic potential. Mechanism-of-action studies revealed that these compounds produce apoptosis through reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated mitochondrial damage. These chemical families show promise for further optimization to produce effective antiacanthamoebal drugs.Shorter, more potent regimens are needed for tuberculosis. The nitroimidazole pretomanid was recently approved for extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in combination with bedaquiline and linezolid. Pretomanid may also have benefit as a treatment-shortening agent for drug-sensitive tuberculosis. It is unclear how and whether it can be used together with rifamycins, which are key sterilizing first-line drugs. In this analysis, data were pooled from two studies the Assessing Pretomanid for Tuberculosis (APT) trial, in which patients with drug-sensitive pulmonary TB received pretomanid, isoniazid, and pyrazinamide plus either rifampin or rifabutin versus standard of care under fed conditions, and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group 5306 (A5306) trial, a phase I study in healthy volunteers receiving pretomanid alone or in combination with rifampin under fasting conditions. In our population pharmacokinetic (PK) model, participants taking rifampin had 44.4 and 59.3% reductions in pretomanid AUC (area under the concentration-time curve) compared to those taking rifabutin or pretomanid alone (due to 80 or 146% faster clearance) in the APT and A5306 trials, respectively. Median maximum concentrations (Cmax) in the rifampin and rifabutin arms were 2.14 and 3.35 mg/liter, while median AUC0-24 values were 30.1 and 59.5 mg·h/liter, respectively. Though pretomanid exposure in APT was significantly reduced with rifampin, AUC0-24 values were similar to those associated with effective treatment in registrational trials, likely