es commonly provided in English, highlighting the need for improved language concordance. Additionally, participants desired continued relationships with the visiting surgeons to build long-term collaboration.Acellular dermal matrix (ADM) in direct-to-implant breast cancer reconstruction is the standard of care due to superior cosmetic results and decreased capsular contracture, but can be cost prohibitive. Although more economical, using patient's own dermis ("Autoderm") instead of ADM has undescribed sterility. Sterility is essential, as bacterial contamination may cause infection and capsular contraction. This study aimed to determine the sterility and optimal decontamination protocol of Autoderm. A prospective controlled study of 140 samples from 20 DIEP (deep inferior epigastric perforator) breast cancer reconstruction patients was performed. Seven de-epithelialized dermal samples (2 × 1 cm) per patient were collected from excess abdominal tissue (6 decontamination protocols and one control). Samples were submerged in povidone-iodine, chlorhexidine, or cefazolin/tobramycin/bacitracin for 15 minutes; half of the samples were agitated (150 rpm) for 15 minutes, and half were not. The control was normal saline we-iodine without agitation and saline are ineffective. Autoderm with the appropriate decontamination protocol may be a potential sterile alternative to ADM.Breast reconstruction modalities are based on autologous tissue transfer, implants, or a combination of both. The aim of an allogeneic breast reconstruction is to minimize the impact of the implant on surrounding tissues to achieve an aesthetically pleasing result. Accurate tissue coverage, proper implant selection, and implant location are the absolute concerns in planning an implant-based reconstruction. A single surgeon's experience with the ergonomic, hybrid approach in primary and secondary breast reconstructions is presented. The hybrid approach is