The present study evaluates the removal capacity of microalgae photobioreactors of environmental pollutants present in wastewater from the dry riverbed El Albujón, as a way to minimize the eutrophication process of the Mar Menor. Particularly, the capacity of four autochthonous microalgae consortia collected from different locations of the salty lagoon to remove emerging contaminants (simazine, atrazine, terbuthylazine, adenosine and ibuprofen), nitrates, and phosphates, was evaluated. Among the four microalgae consortia, consortium 1 was the best in terms of biomass productivity (0.11 g L-1 d-1) and specific growth rate (0.14 d-1), providing 100% removal of emerging contaminants (simazine, atrazine, terbuthylazine, adenosine and ibuprofen), and a maximal reduction and consumption of macronutrients, especially nitrates and phosphates, reaching levels below 28 mg L-1, that is, a decrease of 89.90 and 99.70% of nitrates and phosphates, respectively. Therefore, this consortium (Monoraphidium sp., Desmodesmus subspicatus, Nannochloris sp.) could be selected as a green filter for successful large-scale applications. This study is the first one that combines the successful removal of herbicides, ibuprofen and adenosine as emerging contaminants, and nitrate removal.Iron ore tailings (IOT) represent a major problem in the mining industry worldwide due to large volumes of waste disposed in mine sites. IOT are exposed to the environment and subjected to wind and water dispersion, even under non-catastrophic scenarios as dam collapses, and the effects of these particles to the biota are still mostly unknown. This work aimed to prepare and to characterize a suspension containing the finest (micro/nano range) particles of IOT and to evaluate its effects on development and behavior of zebrafish (Danio rerio), at both embryonic and larval stages. IOT suspension comprised 37 mg L-1 of a multi-mineral material mainly composed by hem