These procoagulant effects of NETs in patients With EH and HHCY were markedly inhibited (approximately 70%) by the cleavage of NETs with DNase I. Isolated NETs from patients With EH and HHCY neutrophils also exerted a strong cytotoxic effect on endothelial cells (ECs), converted them to apoptosis. This study revealed a previously unrecognized association between the hypercoagulable state and neutrophils in patients With EH and HHCY. Therefore, blocking NETs may represent a new therapeutic objective for preventing thrombosis in these patients.Early childhood is an important period of sensory, motor, cognitive and socio-emotional maturation, yet relatively little is known about the brain changes specific to this period. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) is a technique to estimate regional brain volumes from magnetic resonance (MR) images. The default VBM processing pipeline can be customized to increase accuracy of segmentation and normalization, yet the impact of customizations on analyses in young children are not clear. Here, we assessed the impact of different preprocessing steps on T1-weighted MR images from typically developing children in two separate cohorts. Data were processed with the Computational Anatomy Toolbox (CAT12), using seven different VBM pipelines with distinct combinations of tissue probability maps (TPMs) and DARTEL templates created using the Template-O-Matic, and CerebroMatic. The first cohort comprised female children aged 3.9-7.9 years (N = 62) and the second included boys and girls aged 2.7-8 years (N = 74). We found that pipelines differed significantly in their tendency to classify voxels as grey or white matter and the conclusions about some age effects were pipeline-dependent. Our study helps to both understand age-associations in grey and white matter volume across early childhood and elucidate the impact of VBM customization on brain volumes in this age range. Aim is to assess the temporal changes and prognostic value of chest radiograph (CXR) in COVID-19 patients. We performed a retrospective study of confirmed COVID-19 patients presented to the emergency between March 07-17, 2020. Clinical & radiological findings were reviewed. Clinical outcomes were classified into critical & non-critical based on severity. Two independent radiologists graded frontal view CXRs into COVID-19 pneumonia category 1 (CoV-P1) with <4 zones and CoV-P2 with ≥4 zones involvement. Interobserver agreement of CoV-P category for the CXR preceding the clinical outcome was assessed using Kendall's τ coefficient. Association between CXR findings and clinical deterioration was calculated along with temporal changes of CXR findings with disease progression. Sixty-two patients were evaluated for clinical features. 56 of these (total 325 CXRs) were evaluated for radiological findings. Common patterns were progression from lower to upper zones, peripheral to diffuse involvement, & from ground glass opacities to consolidation. Consolidations starting peripherally were noted in 76%, 93% and 48% with critical outcomes, respectively. The interobserver agreement of the CoV-P category of CXRs in the critical and non-critical outcome groups were good and excellent, respectively (τ coefficient=0.6 & 1.0). Significant association was observed between CoV-P2 and clinical deterioration into a critical status (χ2=27.7, p=0.0001) with high sensitivity (95%) and specificity (71%) within a median interval time of 2days (range 0-4days). Involvement of predominantly 4 or more zones on frontal chest radiograph can be used as predictive prognostic indicator of poorer outcome in COVID-19 patients. Involvement of predominantly 4 or more zones on frontal chest radiograph can be used as predictive prognostic indicator of poorer outcome in COVID-19 patients.Traumatic testicular rupture is a rare yet serious condition most commonly seen in penetrating trauma victims (e.g. gunshot wounds or motorcycle collisions) that requires immediate surgical management given its potential complications of hypogonadism and infertility. While ultrasound is the most established modality for diagnosing testicular rupture, trauma patients are usually first evaluated with a trauma protocol computed tomography (CT) exam including the chest, abdomen, and pelvis upon presentation, so it is important to recognize CT findings of testicular injury. We present a novel case in which the suspicion for testicular injury was initially raised based upon CT findings of scrotal hematoma/fluid. These findings were then further characterized with ultrasound and confirmed at surgery. In this case, we provide intraoperative imaging that corresponds clearly to findings seen on both CT and ultrasound.Cross-sectional imaging plays an essential role in the diagnosis and management of various structural and functional changes that occur in the postoperative period after palliative or corrective surgical procedures performed for congenital heart diseases (CHD). Although echocardiography is the mainstay for the evaluation of CHD, it is limited by poor acoustic window post-surgery in addition to being operator dependent. Computed tomography (CT) allows for the comprehensive evaluation of the post-surgical anatomy and complications after repair for cyanotic CHD. Radiologists and cardiac imagers should be familiar with these expected changes after surgeries performed for various cyanotic CHDs, to obtain diagnostic quality cardiac CT images and to promptly recognise the abnormal post-operative appearances in this patient population. In this review, we describe the various CT features of complications that can be encountered after repair of cyanotic CHDs.The capability of liquid chromatography with microemulsions (MEs) as mobile phases was studied for the analysis of four parabens (butylparaben, ethylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben) and seven β-adrenoceptor antagonists (acebutolol, atenolol, carteolol, metoprolol, oxprenolol, propranolol, and timolol). MEs were formed by mixing aqueous solutions of the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate, the alcohol 1-butanol that played the role of co-surfactant, and octane as oil. In order to guarantee the formation of stable MEs, a preliminary study was carried out to determine the appropriate ranges of concentrations of the three components. For this purpose, mixtures of variable composition were prepared, and the possible separation of two phases (formation of an emulsion) was visually detected. The advantage offered by the addition of octane to micellar mobile phases, inside the concentration range that allows the formation of stable MEs, was evaluated by comparing the retention behaviour, peak profile and resolution of mixtures of the probe compounds, in the presence and absence of octane.