ic evidence that these two rather different systems can coexist in a single bacterium to take advantage of their contrasting characteristics in the number of genes involved, biosynthesis cost, ease of expression control, and efficiency of energy production and thus enhance the capability of exploiting solar energy. Our data provide the first clear-cut evidence that such dual phototrophy potentially exists in glacial bacteria. Further public genome mining suggests this understudied dual phototrophic mechanism is possibly more common than our data alone suggested.The filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa decomposes lignocellulosic biomass to generate soluble sugars as carbon sources. In this study, we investigated a role for heterotrimeric G-protein signaling in cellulose degradation. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/AZD2281(Olaparib).html Loss of the Gα subunit genes gna-1 and gna-3, the Gβ subunit genes gnb-1 and cpc-2, the Gγ gene gng-1, or the gene for downstream effector adenylyl cyclase (cr-1) resulted in loss of detectable cellulase activity. This defect was also observed in strains expressing a constitutively active version of gna-3 (gna-3Q208L ). We found that GNA-1 levels are greatly reduced in Δgna-3, Δgnb-1, and Δgng-1 strains, likely contributing to cellulase defects in these genetic backgrounds. The observation that gna-3Q208L Δgnb-1 strains exhibit cellulase activity, despite greatly reduced levels of GNA-1 protein, is consistent with positive control of cellulase production by GNA-3 that is manifested in the absence of gnb-1 Expression patterns for five cellulase genes showed that Δgna-1, Δgnb-1, and Δgna-3 demonstrated a role for cellulase enzymes during infection of economically relevant crops by fungal pathogens. Especially in developing countries, severe plant disease means loss of entire crops, sometimes leading to starvation. In this study, we demonstrate that G-protein signaling is a key component of cellulase production. Therefore, understanding the role of G-protein signaling in the regulation of the unique metabolism of cellulose by these organisms can inform innovations in strain engineering of industrially relevant species for biofuel production and in combatting food shortages caused by plant pathogens.Antibiotic resistance is an increasing threat to human health. In the case of Aspergillus fumigatus, which is both an environmental saprobe and an opportunistic human fungal pathogen, resistance is suggested to arise from fungicide use in agriculture, as the azoles used for plant protection share the same molecular target as the frontline antifungals used clinically. However, limiting azole fungicide use on crop fields to preserve their activity for clinical use could threaten the global food supply via a reduction in yield. In this study, we clarify the link between azole fungicide use on crop fields and resistance in a prototypical human pathogen through systematic soil sampling on farms in Germany and surveying fields before and after fungicide application. We observed a reduction in the abundance of A. fumigatus on fields following fungicide treatment in 2017, a finding that was not observed on an organic control field with only natural plant protection agents applied. However, this finding was less pronoAspergillus fumigatus, which is an environmental fungus that also causes life-threatening infections in humans, antimicrobial resistance is suggested to arise from fungicide use in agriculture, as the chemicals used for plant protection are almost identical to the antifungals used clinically. However, removing azole fungicides from crop fields threatens the global food supply via a reduction in yield. In this study, we survey crop fields before and after fungicide application. We find a low overall azole resistance rate among agricultural isolates, as well as a lack of genomic and population impact following fungicide application, leading us to conclude azole use on crops does not significantly contribute to resistance in A. fumigatus.Cryptococcus gattii is a major cause of life-threatening mycosis in immunocompetent individuals and responsible for the ongoing epidemic outbreak of cryptococcosis in the Pacific Northwest of North America. This deadly fungus is known to evade important host immune responses, including dendritic cell (DC) maturation and concomitant T cell immunity, via immune evasion mechanisms that remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that primary human DCs phagocytose C. gattii but the maturation of phagosomes to phagolysosomes was blocked as a result of sustained filamentous actin (F-actin) that entrapped and concealed the phagosomes from recognition. Superresolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) revealed that the persistent phagosomal F-actin formed a cage-like structure that sterically hindered and functionally blocked the fusion of lysosomes. Blocking lysosome fusion was sufficient to inhibit phagosomal acidification and subsequent intracellular fungal killing by DCs. Retention of phagosomal F-actin by C. s F-actin cage acts as a barrier to prevent interaction with other intracellular compartments, and as a result, the DC fails to kill the fungi and activate important cell-mediated immune responses. We propose that this unique immune evasion mechanism permits C. gattii to remain unchallenged within host cells, leading to persistent infection.Early-life conditions are crucial determinants of phenotype and fitness. The effects of pre- and post-natal conditions on fitness prospects have been widely studied but their interactive effects have received less attention. In birds, asynchronous hatching creates challenging developmental conditions for the last-hatched chicks, but differential allocation in last-laid eggs might help to compensate this initial handicap. The relative importance and potential interaction between pre- and post-hatching developmental conditions for different fitness components remains mostly unknown. We manipulated hatching order in wild pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), creating three groups natural asynchrony (last-laid eggs hatching last), reversed asynchrony (last-laid eggs hatching first) and hatching synchrony (all eggs hatching at once). We examined the effects of these manipulations on early-life survival, growth and telomere length, a potential cellular biomarker of fitness prospects. Mortality was mostly affected by hatching order, with last-hatched chicks being more likely to die.