BACKGROUND Lymphoma is a common cancer in dogs. While most dogs receiving chemotherapy experience remission, very few are cured, and median survival times are generally in the 12-month range. Novel approaches to treatment are unquestionably needed. The Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (IAP) family member survivin, which is one of the most commonly overexpressed proteins in human cancer, plays a key role in apoptosis resistance, a major cause of drug-resistant treatment failure. Survivin targeting therapies have shown promise preclinically; however, none have been evaluated in dogs to date. The goal of the current study was to determine the safety and pharmacodynamic effects of systemic administration of the anti-survivin locked nucleic acid antisense oligonucleotide EZN-3042 in dogs with lymphoma. RESULTS We performed a prospective phase-I clinical trial in dogs with biopsy-accessible peripheral nodal lymphoma. Eighteen dogs were treated with EZN-3042 as a 2-h IV infusion at 5 dose levels, from 3.25 to 8.25 mg/kg twice weekly for 3 treatments. No dose-limiting toxicities were encountered. Reduction in tumor survivin mRNA and protein were observed in 3 of 5 evaluable dogs at the 8.25 mg/kg dose cohort. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, reduced survivin expression was demonstrated in lymphoma tissues in the majority of dogs treated with EZN-3042 at 8.25 mg/kg twice weekly, which was associated with minimal adverse effects. This dose may be used in future studies of EZN-3042/chemotherapy combinations in dogs with spontaneous lymphoma and other cancers.BACKGROUND Despite different preventive strategies that have been implemented in different health institutions in the country, neonatal mortality and morbidity are still significantly increasing in Ethiopia. Perinatal asphyxia is the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. As a result, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of perinatal asphyxia in Ethiopia. METHODS Online databases (PubMed, HINARI, EMBASE, Google Scholar and African Journals), other gray and online repository accessed studies were searched using different search engines. Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale (NOS) was used for critical appraisal of studies. The analysis was done using STATA 11 software. The Cochran Q test and I2 test statistics were used to test the heterogeneity of studies. The funnel plot and Egger's test were used to detect publication bias of the studies. The pooled prevalence of perinatal asphyxia and the odds ratio (OR) with a 95% confidenined amniotic fluid. This finding is important to early recognition and management of its contributing factors, might modify hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and may improve the implementation of the standard guideline effectively and consistently.BACKGROUND Racial bias in medical care is a significant public health issue, with increased focus on microaggressions and the quality of patient-provider interactions. Innovations in training interventions are needed to decrease microaggressions and improve provider communication and rapport with patients of color during medical encounters. METHODS This paper presents a pilot randomized trial of an innovative clinical workshop that employed a theoretical model from social and contextual behavioral sciences. The intervention specifically aimed to decrease providers' likelihood of expressing biases and negative stereotypes when interacting with patients of color in racially charged moments, such as when patients discuss past incidents of discrimination. Workshop exercises were informed by research on the importance of mindfulness and interracial contact involving reciprocal exchanges of vulnerability and responsiveness. Twenty-five medical student and recent graduate participants were randomized to a workshop iulness and interracial contact may be beneficial in reducing racial health disparities.BACKGROUND In the emergency setting of acute ischemic stroke, seizures have been reported in up to 4% of patients. In the absence of arterial occlusion, seizures may also cause abnormalities in CT perfusion in 78% of cases when the time window from onset to imaging is short. Both hyperperfusion and hypoperfusion in the postictal state have been described. Also, though rarely reported, postictal perfusion changes can be uni-hemispheric. In these cases, perfusion maps should be analyzed thoroughly, since perfusion reconstruction software relies heavily on a "normal" contralateral perfusion status. CASE PRESENTATION A 39-year-old man was found on the ground with a minor head injury. On admission, his reactions were generally slow, but there were no other neurological symptoms, and blood pressure was low. The patient had a history of primary generalized epilepsy and admitted to dropping off his anti-epileptic medication. He was transferred to the radiological department for imaging but shortly before began to expof CT perfusion maps and software reconstructions. Novel use of CT perfusion reconstruction using peak enhancement helped in identifying the cerebral pathology.BACKGROUND An estimated 65,000 abortions occurred in Zimbabwe in 2016, and 40 % resulted in complications that required treatment. Quality post-abortion care (PAC) services are essential to treat abortion complications and prevent future unintended pregnancies, and there have been recent national efforts to improve PAC provision. This study evaluates two components of quality of care structural quality, using PAC signal functions, a monitoring framework of key life-saving interventions that treat abortion complications; and process quality, which examines the standards of care provided to PAC patients. METHODS We utilized a 2016 national census of health facilities in Zimbabwe with PAC capacity (n = 227) and a prospective, facility-based 28-day survey of women seeking PAC in a nationally representative sample of those facilities (n = 1002 PAC patients at 127 facilities). PAC signal functions, which are the critical services in the management of abortion complications, were used to classify facilities as having the capability to provide basic or comprehensive care.