has a robust supportive effect on developing software toward global goods maturity. ©Daniel Tom-Aba, Bernard Chawo Silenou, Juliane Doerrbecker, Carl Fourie, Carl Leitner, Martin Wahnschaffe, Maté Strysewske, Chinedu Chukwujekwu Arinze, Gerard Krause. Originally published in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (http//publichealth.jmir.org), 29.04.2020.BACKGROUND Nursing education has evolved in line with societal needs, and simulation-based learning (SBL) is increasingly being used to bridge the gap between practice and education. Previous literature reviews have demonstrated the effectiveness of using SBL in nursing education. However, there is a need to explore how and why it works to expand the theoretical foundation of SBL. Realist reviews are a theory-based approach to synthesizing existing evidence on how complex programs work in particular contexts or settings. OBJECTIVE This review aims to understand how, why, and in what circumstances the use of simulation affects learning as part of the bachelor's program in nursing. METHODS A realist review will be conducted in accordance with the realist template for a systematic review. In particular, we will identify and explore the underlying assumption of how SBL is supposed to work, that is, identify and explore program theories of SBL. The review will be carried out as an iterative process of searching, a national and international conferences. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/16363. ©Torbjørg Træland Meum, Åshild Slettebø, Mariann Fossum. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (http//www.researchprotocols.org), 29.04.2020.BACKGROUND Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) is a promising data collection tool for mobile health interventions targeting episodic health behaviors. For substance-using men who have sex with men (SUMSM), EMA is becoming more widely utilized in efforts to characterize substance use and sexual risk factors for HIV transmission. However, recent literature demonstrates emerging concerns over compliance and lower EMA engagement and data concordance among racial and ethnic minority SUMSM. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to provide a qualitative evaluation of the barriers and facilitators of EMA as a data collection tool among racial and ethnic minority SUMSM. METHODS Between October and November 2017, 45 racial and ethnic minority SUMSM were recruited from a list of prior research participants at the San Francisco Department of Public Health to participate in daily EMA surveys on their substance use and sexual health behaviors for 1 week, followed by in-person focus groups (FGs). A total of 4 FGs explored the partility to correct texting errors and participants' perception of judgment or stigmatization related to questions about condomless sex. To improve EMA compliance and uptake, participants suggested adding response confirmations, clarifying survey language, and continuing to diversify the study audience. CONCLUSIONS EMA appears to be feasible and acceptable among this sample of racial and ethnic minority SUMSM. Close attention to EMA study design and the development of nonjudgmental, contextualized questions regarding stigmatized health behaviors may be critical to further improve EMA compliance. ©Elaine Hsiang, Claudine Offer, Maximo Prescott, Amy Rodriguez, Emily Behar, Tim Matheson, Diane Santa Maria, Glenn-Milo Santos. Originally published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth (http//mhealth.jmir.org), 29.04.2020.BACKGROUND Doctors must care for many patients simultaneously, and it is time-consuming to find and examine all patients' medical histories. Discharge diagnoses provide hospital staff with sufficient information to enable handling multiple patients; however, the excessive amount of words in the diagnostic sentences poses problems. Deep learning may be an effective solution to overcome this problem, but the use of such a heavy model may also add another obstacle to systems with limited computing resources. OBJECTIVE We aimed to build a diagnoses-extractive summarization model for hospital information systems and provide a service that can be operated even with limited computing resources. METHODS We used a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)-based structure with a two-stage training method based on 258,050 discharge diagnoses obtained from the National Taiwan University Hospital Integrated Medical Database, and the highlighted extractive summaries written by experienced doctors were 2020.BACKGROUND Young adults are more likely to use self-managed dietary reporting apps. However, there is scant research examining the user experience of different measurement approaches for mobile dietary reporting apps when dealing with a wide variety of food shapes and container sizes. OBJECTIVE Field user experience testing was conducted under actual meal conditions to assess the accuracy, efficiency, and subjective reaction of three food portion measurement methods embedded in a developed mobile app. Key-in-based aid (KBA), commonly used in many current apps, relies on the user's ability to key in volumes or weights. Photo-based aid (PBA) extends traditional assessment methods, allowing users to scroll, observe, and select a reduced-size image from a set of options. Gesture-based aid (GBA) is a new experimental approach in which the user makes finger movements on the screen to roughly describe food portion boundaries accompanied by a background reference. METHODS A group of 124 young adults aged 19 to 26 yea, Yu-Sheng Lin, Hsin-Yun Chen. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ziritaxestat.html Originally published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth (http//mhealth.jmir.org), 29.04.2020.BACKGROUND Mobile messaging is often used in behavioral weight loss interventions, yet little is known as to the extent to which they contribute to weight loss when part of a multicomponent treatment package. The multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) is a framework that researchers can use to systematically investigate interventions that achieve desirable outcomes given specified constraints. OBJECTIVE This study describes the use of MOST to develop a messaging intervention as a component to test as part of a weight loss treatment package in a subsequent optimization trial. METHODS On the basis of our conceptual model, a text message intervention was created to support self-regulation of weight-related behaviors. We tested the messages in the ENLIGHTEN feasibility pilot study. Adults with overweight and obesity were recruited to participate in an 8-week weight loss program. Participants received a commercially available self-monitoring smartphone app, coaching calls, and text messages. The number and frequency of text messages sent were determined by individual preferences, and weight was assessed at 8 weeks.