In recent years, off-site volumetric construction has been promoted as a viable strategy for improving the sustainability of the construction industry. Most prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction (PPVC) structures are composed of either steel or concrete; thus, it is imperative to carry out life cycle assessments (LCAs) for both types of structures. PPVC is a method by which free-standing volumetric modules-complete with finishes for walls, floors, and ceilings-are prefabricated and then transferred and erected on-site. Although many studies have examined these structures, few have combined economic and environmental life cycle analyses, particularly for prefinished volumetric construction buildings. The purpose of this study is to utilize LCA and life cycle cost (LCC) methods to compare the environmental impacts and costs of steel and concrete PPVCs "from cradle to grave." The results show that steel necessitates higher electricity usage than concrete in all environmental categories, while concrete has a higher emission rate. Steel outperforms concrete by approximately 37% in non-renewable energy measures, 38% in respiratory inorganics, 43% in land occupation, and 40% in mineral extraction. Concrete, on the other hand, performs 54% better on average in terms of measures adopted for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Steel incurs a higher cost in the construction stage but is ultimately the more economical choice, costing 4% less than concrete PPVC owing to the recovery, recycling, and reuse of materials. In general, steel PPVC exhibits better performance, both in terms of cost and environmental factors (excluding GHG emissions). This study endeavors to improve the implementation and general understanding of PPVC.This study aims to examine the impact of economic growth, financial openness, trade openness, and energy intensity on the ecological footprint of BRICS countries for the period 1996-2016 in the framework of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). In the research phases, the effects of financial openness and trade openness on ecological footprint were examined both individually and as a whole using three models. The results indicate that the EKC hypothesis is not valid in all BRICS countries. Specifically, the individual results demonstrate that the EKC model using financial openness is valid only for India, while the EKC model using trade openness is valid both for India and South Africa. Furthermore, financial openness has reduced environmental pollution in India and South Africa. Trade openness has reduced environmental pollution in China and India, while it has increased in South Africa. Lastly, energy intensity has increased environmental pollution in all countries except Russia for both models. Overall, policy-makers should develop policies to reduce energy intensity in BRICS countries.The objective of this study was to identify and evaluate the impact of exposure to mixtures of organochloride pesticides (OCPs) in agricultural workers by detecting their effects on the activity of the enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) and the presence of polymorphisms of the GSTT1 and GSTM1 genes. The presence of OCPs was identified and quantified by gas chromatography, while spectrophotometry was used to measure enzymatic GST activity. The frequencies of the GSTM1 genotypes were analyzed by multiplex PCR. A total of 18 metabolites of OCPs were identified in the workers' blood, most of which are either prohibited (DDT and its metabolites p, p'DDD and p, p'DDE, dieldrin, endrin, aldrin) and/or restricted (δ hexachlorocyclohexane, cis chlordane, methoxychlor, and endosulfan). The results obtained indicate lower levels of GST activity at higher OCPs concentrations detected in blood from exposed workers, together with an increase in OCP levels in individuals who presented the GSTT1*0 and GSTM1*0 genotypes. These conditions place the detoxification process in agricultural workers with null polymorphisms in the GST genes and high concentrations of OCPs in the blood (especially DDT and its metabolites, DDD and DDE) at risk, and increase their susceptibility to develop serious diseases.Plants are major source for discovery and development of anticancer drugs. Several plant-based anticancer drugs are currently in clinical use. Fagonia indica is a plant of medicinal value in the South Asian countries. Using mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy, several compounds were purified from the F. indica extract. We have used one of the purified compounds quinovic acid (QA) and found that QA strongly suppressed the growth and viability of human breast and lung cancer cells. QA did not inhibit growth and viability of non-tumorigenic breast cells. QA mediated its anticancer effects by inducing cell death. QA-induced cell death was associated with biochemical features of apoptosis such as activation of caspases 3 and 8 as well as PARP cleavage. QA also upregulated mRNA and protein levels of death receptor 5 (DR5). Further investigation revealed that QA did not alter DR5 gene promoter activity, but enhanced DR5 mRNA and protein stabilities. DR5 is one of the major components of the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Accordingly, Apo2L/TRAIL, the DR5 ligand, potentiated the anticancer effects of QA. Our results indicate that QA mediates its anticancer effects, at least in part, by engaging DR5-depentent pathway to induce apoptosis. Based on our results, we propose that QA in combination with Apo2L/TRAIL can be further investigated as a novel therapeutic approach for breast and lung cancers.Long non-coding RNAs (LncRNAs) are long (> 200 bases), non-coding, single-stranded RNAs that have emerged as major regulators of gene expression, cell differentiation, development, and oncogenesis. In view of the fact that matrix stiffness plays a role in cellular functions associated with these processes, it is important to ask what role matrix stiffness plays in regulating expression of LncRNAs. In this report, we show that (i) matrix stiffness causes differential expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related LncRNAs and mRNAs in primary mouse normal epidermal keratinocytes, (ii) differential expression of EMT-related LncRNAs and mRNAs occurs in response to combined stimulation of transforming growth factor β1 and matrix stiffness, and (iii) transient receptor potential (TRP) channel of the vanilloid subfamily, TRPV4, a matrix stiffness-sensitive ion channel, plays a role in differential expression of EMT-related LncRNAs and mRNAs in response to combined stimulation by TGFβ1 and matrix stiffness.