As fast human temperature screening is needed in large public areas, this paper proposes a low-cost mobile platform module that combines the advantages of analyzing visible and thermal images. In particular, the key idea relies on face detection in the visible image. Then the coordinates of all faces detected are mapped on to the thermal image to determine their corresponding temperatures. Internal temperature compensation and external reference temperature also are employed to reduce the unwanted temperature fluctuation inside the module and in the surrounding environment. Our mobile platform module, called $\unicodex00B5 \rm Therm$, uses a FLIR ONE camera as our visible and thermal imaging cameras. It can simultaneously determine the temperatures of nine people at a speed of 8 frames/second. A field test operation was performed for four days with 1,170 people, with very promising results of 100% sensitivity, 92.6% specificity, and 92.7% accuracy.As a drug carrier, the porosity of porous electrospun fiber can greatly affect its drug loading ability and stability. In this work, a method to calculate the porosity of porous electrospun fiber with a polarization micrograph is described. Different porosities of porous electrospun fibers were measured by scanning electron microscope images and transmission Mueller matrix M44 element images, respectively. Mueller matrix M44 element images were obtained after polarization micrograph and normalization. The pore areas of M44 images were extracted by region growing, and the contour parts were obtained by performing morphological operation on pore areas. The porosity calculated by the polarization microscope image is in good consistency with that measured by the scanning electron microscope. Our results will promote practical application of electrospun porous fibers in the early stage of screening a large number of porous materials in the biomedicine field.Failure prediction of any electrical/optical component is crucial for estimating its operating life. Using high temperature operating life (HTOL) tests, it is possible to model the failure mechanisms for integrated circuits. Conventional HTOL standards are not suitable for operating life prediction of photonic components owing to their functional dependence on the thermo-optic effect. This work presents an infrared (IR)-assisted thermal vulnerability detection technique suitable for photonic as well as electronic components. By accurately mapping the thermal profile of an integrated circuit under a stress condition, it is possible to precisely locate the heat center for predicting the long-term operational failures within the device under test. For the first time, the reliability testing is extended to a fully functional microwave photonic system using conventional IR thermography. By applying image fusion using affine transformation on multimodal acquisition, it was demonstrated that by comparing the IR profile and GDSII layout, it is possible to accurately locate the heat centers along with spatial information on the type of component. Multiple IR profiles of optical as well as electrical components/circuits were acquired and mapped onto the layout files. In order to ascertain the degree of effectiveness of the proposed technique, IR profiles of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor RF and digital circuits were also analyzed. The presented technique offers a reliable automated identification of heat spots within a circuit/system.The paper deals with flash-pulse thermography, which is one of the most used thermographic inspection methods. The method is based on flash excitation of an inspected object and an analysis of its thermal response recorded by an infrared camera. This paper deals with a time-power transformation method (P-function) for an evaluation of the flash-pulse thermography measurement. The method is based on a transformation of the measured thermal response using a power function of time. An adaptation of the method is introduced, and an experimental investigation of the method is presented. The method and the evaluation procedure are described. A flash-pulse inspection of an experimental sample is performed, and the results of the inspection obtained by the P-function method and by a fast Fourier transform evaluation are compared using a contrast-to-noise ratio ranking. Advantages of the P-function method resulting from its numerical outputs for an estimation of the depth of defects are described. An influence of noise reduction and data preprocessing is discussed.3D real-time acquisition plays a vital role in computer graphics and computer vision. In this paper, we present a dynamic IR structured light sensing system with high resolution and accuracy for real-time 3D scanning. We adopt the Gray code combined with stripe shifting as our 3D acquisition's coding strategy and parallelize the algorithm via the GPU in our IR 3D scanning system. Our built-up system can capture dense and high-precision 3D model sequences with a speed of 29 Hz. Furthermore, we propose a practical calibration method to obtain accurate calibration parameters for our system. Finally, various experiments are performed to verify the feasibility and accuracy of our proposed IR structured light sensing system.The laser flash method is a well-known procedure to determine the thermal diffusivity of a wide range of materials. However, in some cases there is the need of limiting the input power, measuring materials with high thermal capacity, or investigating thick samples. These conditions lead to a reduction of the signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, we propose a new laser flash control and data acquisition system, that is able to repeat multiple times the emission of the laser impulse and the measurement of the thermal response of the specimen. With the average of several measurements, it is possible to obtain a decrease of the noise when working with low power inputs.Two graphene-based T-shaped multifunctional components for THz and long-wave infrared regions are proposed and analyzed. The first component can serve as a divider, a switch, and a dynamically controllable filter. This T-junction presents a circular graphene resonator and three graphene waveguides with surface plasmon-polariton waves connected frontally to the resonator. The resonator can be adjusted to work with dipole, quadrupole, or hexapole modes. The graphene elements are deposited on a SiO2 (silica) and Si (silicon) two-layer substrate. The dynamical control and switching of the component are provided by the electrostatic field, which defines the graphene Fermi energy. Numerical simulations show that the first component in the division regime (which is also the ON regime) has a transmission coefficient of -4.3dB at the central frequency for every two output ports, and the FWHM is 9.5%. In the OFF regime, the isolation of the two output ports from the input one is about -30dB. The second component is a T-junction without a resonator, which fulfills the function of the divider-switch in more than an octave frequency band.