There was no significant difference in both MFAs ( =1.19, p=0.28). The mean cyclodeviation was 0.07°±0.80° (range -2.40° to +2.75°). A total of 38 eyes showed excycloduction, while another 38 showed incycloduction. Significant cyclodeviation did not occur regardless of the existence of an occlusion. When examining the relationship between retinal structure and function, the difference in rotation angle under both conditions need not be taken into consideration if the other disease did not cause pathological cyclodeviation. Significant cyclodeviation did not occur regardless of the existence of an occlusion. When examining the relationship between retinal structure and function, the difference in rotation angle under both conditions need not be taken into consideration if the other disease did not cause pathological cyclodeviation.Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) involves chronic neuropathic pain, characterized by attacks of repeating short episodes of unilateral shock-like pain, which are abrupt in onset and termination. Anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine, are the gold standard first-line drugs for pharmacological treatment. Microvascular decompression (MVD) surgery is often the course of action if pharmacological management with anticonvulsants is unsuccessful. MVD surgery is an effective therapy in approximately 83% of cases. However, persistent neuropathic pain after MVD surgery may require reintroduction of pharmacotherapy. This case report presents two patients with persistent pain after MVD requiring reintroduction of pharmacological therapy. Although MVD is successful for patients with failed pharmacological management, it is an invasive procedure and requires hospitalization of the patient. About one-third of patients suffer from recurrent TN after MVD. Often, alternative treatment protocols, including the reintroduction of medications, may be necessary to achieve improvement. This case report presents two cases o