5% - 49/97; CG = 27.8% - 10/30). Oocyte exposure to vitrification solutions, in order to cause osmotic shock, did not interfere with the resumption of meiosis in mice oocytes. Oocyte exposure to vitrification solutions, in order to cause osmotic shock, did not interfere with the resumption of meiosis in mice oocytes.Exclusive Sertoli Cell Syndrome (ESCS) is a rare condition that has male infertility as its main consequence. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ro-3306.html It is one of the most serious forms of non-obstructive azoospermia, with a poor reproductive prognosis. In some cases, however, such as the type II of the syndrome, sperm can be recovered through testicular puncture and subsequent ICSI, with a 13% success rate. This article aims to report the case of an azoospermic 35-year-old patient, with no other significant changes in complementary exams. After percutaneous puncture of the epididymis and biopsy with no sperm, we diagnosed ESCS, and indicated IVF with donor semen. This study investigated the effects of Tartrazine and Erythrosine (T+E) on the reproductive hormones and expression of some pro-inflammatory cytokines and testicular genes in testis of male Wistar rats. 25 male Wistar rats (150-180g) were divided into 5 groups (n=5). Group 1 received distilled water while groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 were treated with T+E (2.5mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg and 20mg/kg) for the period of 23 days. Toxicity studies of the combined dye were investigated by evaluating serum reproductive hormones [Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), Testosterone], gene expression and profiling, and testes histology. male Wistar rats (150-180g) were divided into 5 groups (n=5). Group 1 received distilled water while groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 were treated with T+E (2.5mg/kg, 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg and 20mg/kg) for the period of 23 days. Toxicity studies of the combined dye were investigated by evaluating serum reproductive hormones [Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), Testosterone], gene expression and profiling, and testes histology. This present study reveals that the dyes could impair testicular function as evident in the up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and down-regulation of TESK-1 gene expression and architecture of the testes leading to Orchitis. This present study reveals that the dyes could impair testicular function as evident in the up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and down-regulation of TESK-1 gene expression and architecture of the testes leading to Orchitis.Drug-Free IVA has been recently introduced as a therapeutic option for patients with Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI). Despite the existing limited results, it can be considered as a promising option for these patients to achieve their own offspring. Here we report the case of a 35-year-old woman diagnosed with POI at 30 years of age. Drug-Free IVA was performed at age 33 and pregnancy was achieved by IVF 10 months after grafting. Unfortunately, she had a preterm delivery with neonatal death due to prematurity complications. After delivery, she recovered spontaneous ovarian function and one mature oocyte was retrieved 20 months after Drug-Free IVA. Following IVF, one embryo was transferred, and she is currently 33 weeks pregnant, suggesting that Drug-free IVA could lead to long-term ovarian function. To determine the rate of live birth per blastocyst based on morphology and oocyte age using data from a single center. This is a mathematical analysis and model building study of autologous blastocyst stage embryo transfers at a University-affiliated center. A total of 448 blastocyst stage embryos were transferred in 244 fresh and frozen embryo transfers from May 2015 through April 2018. Blastocyst morphology was divided into good, fair, and poor overall morphology grades. Each embryo transfer was modeled as an equation equating the sum of the unknown live birth rates of the transferred embryos to the number of live births that resulted. The least squares solution to the system of embryo transfer equations was determined using linear algebra. Trophectoderm morphology was a better predictor of live birth rate than inner cell mass morphology. Embryos graded AA/AB/BA (good) had the highest live birth rates followed by BB/CB (fair), and BC/CC (poor). In our youngest age group (25-32 years) live birth rates per embryo were 51% for good, 39% for fair, and 25% for poor quality embryos. In our oldest age group (40-44 years) the live birth rates per embryo were 22% for good, 14% for fair, and 8% for poor quality embryos. These techniques can help analyze small datasets such as those from individual clinics to aid in determining the ideal number of embryos to transfer to achieve live birth while limiting the risk of multiple gestations. These techniques can help analyze small datasets such as those from individual clinics to aid in determining the ideal number of embryos to transfer to achieve live birth while limiting the risk of multiple gestations. This Monograph aims to provide the scientific community and the Regional Healthcare Service an up-to-date Atlas of mortality for the Campania Region (Southern Italy). The Atlas shows an overview of mortality through comparisons with national data and with intraregional macroareas. Maps presenting risk measures with municipal details are also provided. Both overall and cause-specific mortality data for the period 2006-2014 referred to people residing in Campania Region are analysed in this Atlas. Twenty-nine death causes (major causes and specific cancers) are studied; for each of them, it has been provided • direct standardised rates (standard population EU 2013) referred to Italy, Campania Region, and the seven regional Local Health Units (LHUs); • standardised mortality ratios (SMRs), estimated on a regional basis, referred to every LHU; • years of life lost (number and rate) both on a regional and on LHU basis; • mortality rate trends for the period 2006-2014, including annual percentage changes (APCs)anisation this confirms the national data of a different distribution of diseases - and mortality - in the areas characterised by high urban development compared to rural areas. Finally, cause-specific mortality maps at municipal level, extended to the whole region, could enable to identify possible critical issues which may need epidemiological studies focused on possible local factors of environmental pressure.