OBJECTIVES Do people living in more corrupted countries report worse health? We answer this question by investigating the relationship between country-level corruption and the number of chronic diseases for a sample of Europeans aged above 50. METHODS We link a rich panel dataset on individual health and socio-demographic characteristics with two country-level corruption indices, analyse the overall relationship with pooled ordinary least squares and fixed-effect models, explore heterogeneous effects driven by country and individual factors, and disentangle the effect across different public sectors. RESULTS Individuals living in more corrupted countries suffer from a higher number of chronic diseases. The heterogeneity analysis shows that (1) health outcomes are worsened especially for respondents living in relatively low-income countries; (2) the health of females and people with poor socio-economic status is more affected by corruption; (3) the corruption-health negative link mainly occurs for cardiovascular diseases and ulcers; (4) only corrupted sectors linked with healthcare are associated with poorer health. CONCLUSIONS We inform the policy debate with novel results in establishing a nexus between corruption and morbidity indicators.The biceps brachii myotendinous unit, particularly the long head of the biceps tendon and its labral attachment, is a common cause of shoulder and arm pain. Its complex anatomy and normal variations can present a challenge when interpreting MR images. The purpose of this manuscript is to review the proximal biceps anatomy, variants, pathology, and post-operative appearance as seen on MRI. Recent data regarding the accuracy of clinical examination and MRI will be summarized.Nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (NEAT1) is a long non-coding RNA that is widely expressed in a variety of mammalian cell types. An increasing number of studies have demonstrated that NEAT1 plays key roles in various biological and pathological processes; therefore, it is important to understand how its expression is regulated and how it regulates the expression of its target genes. Recently, we found that NEAT1 expression could be regulated by signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 and that altered NEAT1 expression epigenetically regulates downstream gene transcription during herpes simplex virus-1 infection and Alzheimer's disease, suggesting that NEAT1 acts as an important sensor and effector during stress and disease development. In this review, we summarize and discuss the molecules and regulatory patterns that control NEAT1 gene expression and the molecular mechanism via which NEAT1 regulates the expression of its target genes, providing novel insights into the central role of NEAT1 in gene regulation.Substrates with high sulfate levels pose problems for biogas production as they allow sulfate reducing bacteria to compete with syntrophic and methanogenic members of the community. In addition, the end product of sulfate reduction, hydrogen sulfide, is toxic and corrosive. Here we show how sulfate addition affects physiological processes in a thermophilic methanogenic system by analyzing the carbon flow and the microbial community with quantitative PCR and amplicon sequencing of the 16s rRNA gene. A sulfate addition of 0.5 to 3 g/L caused a decline in methane production by 73-92%, while higher sulfate concentrations had no additional inhibitory effect. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/benzylpenicillin-potassium.html Generally, sulfate addition induced a shift in the composition of the microbial community towards a higher dominance of Firmicutes and decreasing abundances of Bacteroidetes and Euryarchaeota. The abundance of methanogens (e.g., Methanoculleus and Methanosarcina) was reduced, while sulfate reducing bacteria (especially Candidatus Desulforudis and Desulfotomaculum) increased significantly in presence of sulfate. The sulfate addition had a significant impact on the carbon flow within the system, shifting the end product from methane and carbon dioxide to acetate and carbon dioxide. Interestingly, methane production quickly resumed, when sulfate was no longer present in the system. Despite the strong impact of sulfate addition on the carbon flow and the microbial community structure during thermophilic biogas production, short-term process disturbances caused by unexpected introduction of sulfate may be overcome due to the high resilience of the engaged microorganisms.Buildup of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in anaerobic digesters (ADs) often results in acidification and process failure. Understanding the dynamics of microbial communities involved in VFA degradation under stable and overload conditions may help optimize anaerobic digestion processes. In this study, five triplicate mesophilic completely mixed AD sets were operated at different organic loading rates (OLRs; 1-6 g chemical oxygen demand [COD] LR-1day-1), and changes in the composition and abundance of VFA-degrading microbial communities were monitored using amplicon sequencing and taxon-specific quantitative PCRs, respectively. AD sets operated at OLRs of 1-4 g COD LR-1day-1 were functionally stable throughout the operational period (120 days) whereas process instability (characterized by VFA buildup, pH decline, and decreased methane production rate) occurred in digesters operated at ≥ 5 g COD LR-1day-1. Though microbial taxa involved in propionate (Syntrophobacter and Pelotomaculum) and butyrate (Syntrophomonas) degradation were detected across all ADs, their abundance decreased with increasing OLR. The overload conditions also inhibited the proliferation of the acetoclastic methanogen, Methanosaeta, and caused a microbial community shift to acetate oxidizers (Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans) and hydrogenotrophic methanogens (Methanoculleus). This study's results highlight the importance of operating ADs with conditions that promote the maintenance of microbial communities involved in VFA degradation.As older adults experience physical and mental changes, they may have difficulty keeping up with tasks that were once routine and may be faced with a growing accumulation of once important possessions that are no longer needed. Problems with clutter have been associated with stress and life dissatisfaction. Helping older adults realize the benefits of decluttering their living environment and providing them with advice on how to do this can help them feel accomplished and in control. [Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 58(4), 16-18.]. Copyright 2020, SLACK Incorporated.