A series of uracil derivatives containing a 4-oxoquinazoline fragment bound to the nitrogen atom N3 of the pyrimidine ring by a short methylene bridge was synthesized to search for new antiviral agents. Some compounds in this series are shown to exhibit high inhibitory activity against human cytomegalovirus and the varicella zoster virus in a HEL cell culture.At early stages of carcinogenesis, the regulatory regions of some tumor suppressor genes become aberrantly methylated at RCGY sites, which are substrates of DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3. Identification of aberrantly methylated sites in tumor DNA is considered to be the first step in the development of epigenetic PCR test systems for early diagnosis of cancer. Recently, we have developed a GLAD-PCR assay, a method for detecting the R(5mC)GY site in the genome position of interest even at significant excess of DNA molecules with a non-methylated RCGY site in this location. The aim of the present work is to use the GLAD-PCR assay to detect the aberrantly methylated R(5mC)GY sites in the regulatory regions of tumor suppressor genes (brinp1, bves, cacna2d3, cdh11, cpeb1, epha7, fgf2, galr1, gata4, hopx, hs3st2, irx1, lrrc3b, pcdh10, rprm, runx3, sfrp2, sox17, tcf21, tfpi2, wnt5a, zfp82, and znf331) in DNA samples obtained from gastric cancer (GC) tissues. The study of the DNA samples derived from 29 tumor and 25 normal gastric tissue samples demonstrated a high diagnostic potential of the selected RCGY sites in the regulatory regions of the irx1, cacna2d3, and epha7 genes; the total indices of sensitivity and specificity for GC detection being 96.6% and 100%, respectively.The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is an acute inflammatory disease of the respiratory system caused by the MERS-CoV coronavirus. The mortality rate for MERS is about 34.5%. Due to its high mortality rate, the lack of therapeutic and prophylactic agents, and the continuing threat of the spread of MERS beyond its current confines, developing a vaccine is a pressing task, because vaccination would help limit the spread of MERS and reduce its death toll. We have developed a combined vector vaccine for the prevention of MERS based on recombinant human adenovirus serotypes 26 and 5. Studies of its immunogenicity have shown that vaccination of animals (mice and primates) induces a robust humoral immune response that lasts for at least six months. Studies of the cellular immune response in mice after vaccination showed the emergence of a specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell response. A study of the vaccine protectivity conducted in a model of transgenic mice carrying the human DPP4 receptor gene showed that our vaccination protected 100% of the animals from the lethal infection caused by the MERS-CoV virus (MERS-CoV EMC/2012, 100LD50 per mouse). Studies of the safety and tolerability of the developed vaccine in rodents, rabbits, and primates showed a good safety profile and tolerance in animals; they revealed no contraindications for clinical testing.Today, it has become apparent that innovative treatment methods, including those involving simultaneous diagnosis and therapy, are particularly in demand in modern cancer medicine. The development of nanomedicine offers new ways of increasing the therapeutic index and minimizing side effects. The development of photoactivatable dyes that are effectively absorbed in the first transparency window of biological tissues (700-900 nm) and are capable of fluorescence and heat generation has led to the emergence of phototheranostics, an approach that combines the bioimaging of deep tumors and metastases and their photothermal treatment. The creation of near-infrared (NIR) light-activated agents for sensitive fluorescence bioimaging and phototherapy is a priority in phototheranostics, because the excitation of drugs and/or diagnostic substances in the near-infrared region exhibits advantages such as deep penetration into tissues and a weak baseline level of autofluorescence. In this review, we focus on NIR-excited dyes and discuss prospects for their application in photothermal therapy and the diagnosis of cancer. Particular attention is focused on the consideration of new multifunctional nanoplatforms for phototheranostics which allow one to achieve a synergistic effect in combinatorial photothermal, photodynamic, and/or chemotherapy, with simultaneous fluorescence, acoustic, and/or magnetic resonance imaging.This study reviews the findings of recent experiments designed to investigate the cytokine profile after a spinal cord injury. The role played by key cytokines in eliciting the cellular response to trauma was assessed. The results of the specific immunopathogenetic interaction between the nervous and immune systems in the immediate and chronic post-traumatic periods are summarized. It was demonstrated that it is reasonable to use the step-by-step approach to the assessment of the cytokine profile after a spinal cord injury and take into account the combination of the pathogenetic and protective components in implementing the regulatory effects of individual cytokines and their integration into the regenerative processes in the injured spinal cord. This allows one to rationally organize treatment and develop novel drugs.Chemoreception, an ability to perceive specific chemical stimuli, is one of the most evolutionarily ancient forms of interaction between living organisms and their environment. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/SB-743921.html Chemoreception systems are found in organisms belonging to all biological kingdoms. In higher multicellular animals, chemoreception (along with photo- and mechanoreception) underlies the functioning of five traditional senses. Insects have developed a peculiar and one of the most sophisticated chemoreception systems, which exploits at least three receptor superfamilies providing perception of smell and taste, as well as chemical communication in these animals. The enormous diversity of physiologically relevant compounds in the environment has given rise to a wide-ranging repertoire of chemoreceptors of various specificities. Thus, in insects, they are represented by several structurally and functionally distinct protein classes and are encoded by hundreds of genes. In the current review, we briefly characterize the insect chemoreception system by describing the main groups of receptors that constitute it and putting emphasis on the peculiar architecture and mechanisms of functioning possessed by these molecules.