Neural networks have become standard tools in the analysis of data, but they lack comprehensive mathematical theories. For example, there are very few statistical guarantees for learning neural networks from data, especially for classes of estimators that are used in practice or at least similar to such. In this paper, we develop a general statistical guarantee for estimators that consist of a least-squares term and a regularizer. We then exemplify this guarantee with ℓ1-regularization, showing that the corresponding prediction error increases at most logarithmically in the total number of parameters and can even decrease in the number of layers. Our results establish a mathematical basis for regularized estimation of neural networks, and they deepen our mathematical understanding of neural networks and deep learning more generally.Robustness of deep neural networks is a critical issue in practical applications. In the general case of feed-forward neural networks (including convolutional deep neural network architectures), under random noise attacks, we propose to study the probability that the output of the network deviates from its nominal value by a given threshold. We derive a simple concentration inequality for the propagation of the input uncertainty through the network using the Cramer-Chernoff method and estimates of the local variation of the neural network mapping computed at the training points. We further discuss and exploit the resulting condition on the network to regularize the loss function during training. Finally, we assess the proposed tail probability estimates empirically on various public datasets and show that the observed robustness is very well estimated by the proposed method.The brain is able to calculate the distance and direction to the desired position based on grid cells. Extensive neurophysiological studies of rodent navigation have postulated the grid cells function as a metric