When car shopping, it's important that you are getting the best car for your money. However, it is difficult to make the best value a reality when you are confronted by dealers wanting to haggle. But, it is possible if you know the right strategy. Negotiating helps to save you a lot of money towards your purchase. Never pay the amount the car is listed for. Sticker prices are intentionally high as a way to facilitate negotiation. Do some online car shopping before going to a dealership. Don't bother with a dealership unless you know exactly what you want. Use the Internet to see what possible cars might be best suited for you before heading to the dealership. A mechanic of your choosing should always inspect a used vehicle prior to purchase. If a dealer refuses, shop somewhere else. A good mechanic can provide an impartial opinion regarding any problems with the vehicle, such as signs that the car has been wrecked or submerged in flood water. Make plans to spend a lot of time in car dealerships. The only way to come to a decision that you are comfortable with is to take your time. Plan on spending a whole afternoon in one dealership. If you are really short on time, do not be afraid to leave and come back another day. MPG plays a huge role in a car purchase. As an example, you may want to buy a car with enough power to tow a boat behind it. This can help you to maximize on the features that you are presented with. Keep in mind that car salesmen have some monthly quotas to meet. Use this to your advantage and shop for your car at month-end. Salesman that haven't made their expected numbers will just try to make another sale. This may make negotiations easier. Try to plan your car shopping trip for the end of the month. Everyone has a quota to meet each month. At , sales staff who need to fulfill a quota may be more likely to give you a better price in order to sell a vehicle. Never sign any type of auto contract unt