Five studies were quantitative, including four cross-sectional surveys, and one study was qualitative. Findings consistently demonstrated PCPs' overall lack of knowledge about BD, low level of comfort in discussing and managing patients in relation to dense breasts, and limited consensus on the most appropriate approach for managing women with dense breasts, particularly in relation to supplemental screening. Conclusions This review highlights important gaps in PCPs' understanding of BD and confidence in having discussions with women about the implications of dense breasts. It identifies the need for high-quality research and the development of evidence-based guidelines to better support PCPs.Introduction Children born prematurely often score lower on standardized tests of language in early childhood. Less is known about longer term outcomes. This investigation considered language outcomes in pre-adolescent children born very preterm/very low birthweight, as assessed by both standardized test scores and language sample measures, and explored attention abilities as a possible moderating factor. Method The present investigation provided a longitudinal follow-up to Mahurin Smith et al. (2014) by examining the language outcomes of 84 children at the 11-year time point (39 with a history of prematurity and 45 born at full term) and a total of 82 at the 12-year time point (37 with a history of prematurity, 45 born at full term). Assessments included subtests of the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals- Fourth Edition, productive language measures taken from narrative tasks, and parent and examiner ratings of attention. Results Gestational age significantly predicted standardized language scores at age 11 years, but this effect was no longer statistically significant at age 12 years. When parent ratings of attention were considered as additional variables, gestational age was no longer a significant predictor. Gestational age did not serve as a significant predictor for the productive language measures at either time point. Discussion Results indicate that catch-up growth in language may take place in pre-adolescence for many children born prematurely. Clinical implications focus on the need to utilize multiple forms of language assessment and to directly consider the potential role of attention on standard test results. Human exposure to intensively farmed livestock is a potential risk for transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) but few studies have assessed the relative role of animal vs. environmental sources of ARB in low-resource community settings. We conducted an observational study to compare ARB colonization and antibiotic-resistant gene prevalence and abundance in humans with high or low exposure to poultry in rural households, commercial poultry farms, and urban markets in Bangladesh. Extended-spectrum β -lactamase (ESBL)-producing and carbapenem-resistant were quantified in feces from adults with high or low poultry exposure ( n = 100 , respectively), poultry ( n = 200 ), drinking water ( n = 120 ), and wastewater ( n = 120 ) from 40 rural households, 40 poultry farms, and 40 urban nificantly associated with exposure to poultry. Bidirectional transmission of antibiotic resistance is likely between humans, poultry, and the environment in these community settings, underlining the importance of One Health mitigation strategies. https// The purpose of this study was to examine the kindergarten, first-, and second-grade predictors of reading comprehension in bilingual children. Specifically, we evaluated the role that Spanish and English skills play in predicting English reading comprehension in third grade. Method As part of a longitudinal study, 248 bilingual children were followed from prekindergarten to third grade. Participants completed Spanish and English measures in the spring of each academic year. We reported results on measures of oral language, memory, and literacy skills that were 1administered in kindergarten, first, second, and third grade. Results Analysis under the structural equation modeling framework indicated that English oral language and word reading are the strongest predictors of English reading comprehension in third grade. Furthermore, results supported previous evidence indicating that Spanish language skills make significant direct and indirect contributions to the English oral language and word reading skills that predict reading comprehension. Discussion This study provides a comprehensive view of the language resources that Spanish-English bilinguals use for reading comprehension. In light of previous evidence, we discuss our findings and offer theoretical and practical implications. Supplemental Material https// the COVID-19 pandemic, medical providers have expanded telehealth into daily practice, with many medical and behavioral health care visits provided remotely over video or through phone. The telehealth market was already facilitating home health care with increasing levels of sophistication before COVID-19. Among the emerging telehealth practices, telephysical therapy; teleneurology; telemental health; chronic care management of congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes; home hospice; home mechanical ventilation; and home dialysis are some of the most prominent. Home telehealth helps streamline hospital/clinic operations and ensure the safety of health care workers and patients. The authors recommend that we expand home telehealth to a comprehensive delivery of medical care across a distributed network of hospitals and homes, linking patients to health care workers through the Internet of Medical Things using in-home equipment, including smart medical monitoring devices to create a "medical smart home." This expanded telehealth capability will help doctors care for patients flexibly, remotely, and safely as a part of standard operations and during emergencies such as a pandemic. This model of "telehomecare" is already being implemented, as shown herein with examples. The authors envision a future in which providers and hospitals transition medical care delivery to the home just as, during the COVID-19 pandemic, students adapted to distance learning and adults transitioned to remote work from home. Many of our homes in the future may have a "smart medical suite" as well as a "smart home office."