Light use efficiency (LUE, biomass/mol incident light) was generally negatively correlated with specific leaf area (SLA). Far-red light provided by LEDs increases the canopy size to capture more light to drive photosynthesis and shows promise for inclusion in the growth light spectrum for lettuce under sole-source lighting.The adult human heart cannot repair itself after injury and, instead, forms a permanent fibrotic scar that impairs cardiac function and can lead to incurable heart failure. The zebrafish, amongst other organisms, has been extensively studied for its innate capacity to repair its heart after injury. Understanding the signals that govern successful regeneration in models such as the zebrafish will lead to the development of effective therapies that can stimulate endogenous repair in humans. To date, many studies have investigated cardiac regeneration using a reverse genetics candidate gene approach. However, this approach is limited in its ability to unbiasedly identify novel genes and signalling pathways that are essential to successful regeneration. In contrast, drawing comparisons between different models of regeneration enables unbiased screens to be performed, identifying signals that have not previously been linked to regeneration. Here, we will review in detail what has been learnt from the comparative approach, highlighting the techniques used and how these studies have influenced the field. We will also discuss what further comparisons would enhance our knowledge of successful regeneration and scarring. Finally, we focus on the Astyanax mexicanus, an intraspecies comparative fish model that holds great promise for revealing the secrets of the regenerating heart.A neural network that matches with a complex data function is likely to boost the classification performance as it is able to learn the useful aspect of the highly varying data. In this work, the temporal context of the time series data is chosen as the useful aspect of the data that is passed through the network for learning. By exploiting the compositional locality of the time series data at each level of the network, shift-invariant features can be extracted layer by layer at different time scales. The temporal context is made available to the deeper layers of the network by a set of data processing operations based on the concatenation operation. A matching learning algorithm for the revised network is described in this paper. It uses gradient routing in the backpropagation path. The framework as proposed in this work attains better generalization without overfitting the network to the data, as the weights can be pretrained appropriately. It can be used end-to-end with multivariate time series data in their raw form, without the need for manual feature crafting or data transformation. Data experiments with electroencephalogram signals and human activity signals show that with the right amount of concatenation in the deeper layers of the proposed network, it can improve the performance in signal classification.Emerging evidence suggests that adequate intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs), which include docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), might be associated with better sleep quality. N-3 PUFAs, which must be acquired from dietary sources, are typically consumed at suboptimal levels in Western diets. Therefore, the current placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial, investigated the effects of an oil rich in either DHA or EPA on sleep quality in healthy adults who habitually consumed low amounts of oily fish. Eighty-four participants aged 25-49 years completed the 26-week intervention trial. Compared to placebo, improvements in actigraphy sleep efficiency (p = 0.030) and latency (p = 0.026) were observed following the DHA-rich oil. However, these participants also reported feeling less energetic compared to the placebo (p = 0.041), and less rested (p = 0.017), and there was a trend towards feeling less ready to perform (p = 0.075) than those given EPA-rich oil. A trend towards improved sleep efficiency was identified in the EPA-rich group compared to placebo (p = 0.087), along with a significant decrease in both total time in bed (p = 0.032) and total sleep time (p = 0.019) compared to the DHA-rich oil. No significant effects of either treatment were identified for urinary excretion of the major melatonin metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin. This study was the first to demonstrate some positive effects of dietary supplementation with n-3 PUFAs in healthy adult normal sleepers, and provides novel evidence showing the differential effects of n-3 PUFA supplements rich in either DHA or EPA. Further investigation into the mechanisms underpinning these observations including the effects of n-3 PUFAs on sleep architecture are required.The dysregulation of epigenetic modifications has a well-established role in the development and progression of hematological malignancies and of solid tumors. In this context, EZH1/2 inhibitors have been designed to interfere with EZH1/2 enzymes involved in histone methylation (e.g., H3K27me3), leading to tumor growth arrest or the restoration of tumor suppressor gene transcription. However, these compounds also affect normal hematopoiesis, interfering with self-renewal and differentiation of CD34+-Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells (HSPC), and, in turn, could modulate the generation of potential anti-tumor effector lymphocytes. Given the important role of NK cells in the immune surveillance of tumors, it would be useful to understand whether epigenetic drugs can modulate NK cell differentiation and functional maturation. CD34+-HSPC were cultured in the absence or in the presence of the EZH1/2 inhibitor UNC1999 and EZH2 inhibitor GSK126. Our results show that UNC1999 and GSK126 increased CD56+ cell proliferation compared to the control condition. However, UNC1999 and GSK 126 favored the proliferation of no-cytotoxic CD56+ILC3, according to the early expression of the AHR and ROR-γt transcription factors. Our results describe novel epigenetic mechanisms involved in the modulation of NK cell maturation that may provide new tools for designing NK cell-based immunotherapy.