Although single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) exhibit various colors in suspension, directly synthesized SWCNT films usually appear black. Recently, a unique one-step method for directly fabricating green and brown films has been developed. Such remarkable progress, however, has brought up several new questions. The coloration mechanism, potentially achievable colors, and color controllability of SWCNTs are unknown. Here, a quantitative model is reported that can predict the specific colors of SWCNT films and unambiguously identify the coloration mechanism. Using this model, colors of 466 different SWCNT species are calculated, which reveals a broad spectrum of potentially achievable colors of SWCNTs. The calculated colors are in excellent agreement with existing experimental data. Furthermore, the theory predicts the existence of many brilliantly colored SWCNT films, which are experimentally expected. This study shows that SWCNTs as a form of pure carbon, can display a full spectrum of vivid colors, which is expected to complement the general understanding of carbon materials. The purpose was to assess the prognostic role of neck muscle weakness at diagnosis in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients with respect to survival and respiratory impairment. A retrospective cohort study was conducted. All ALS patients seen in the Turin ALS Centre from 2007 to 2014 were included. Muscle strength at diagnosis was evaluated using the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale. Survival was considered as the time from diagnosis to death or tracheostomy; time to respiratory impairment was considered as the interval from diagnosis to the first event amongst an ALS Functional Rating Scale revised item 10 <4, forced vital capacity <70%, start of non-invasive ventilation or tracheostomy. Time from diagnosis to dysarthria, dysphagia and walking impairment were considered as secondary outcomes. Cox proportional hazard regression models adjusted for sex, age at diagnosis, diagnostic delay, onset site, genetics status and the MRC scores of other muscle groups were used to assess the prognostic role of neck muscles. A total of 370 patients were included in the study. Fifty-nine (15.9%) patients showed neck flexor weakness at diagnosis; MRC values were mostly in agreement for neck extensors. Neck flexors were the only muscles able to predict survival (hazard ratio 0.49, 95% confidence interval 0.28-0.86; p=0.01). Furthermore, neck flexor normal strength decreased the risk of respiratory impairment (hazard ratio 0.46, 95% confidence interval 0.22-0.96; p=0.04) but did not influence any secondary outcomes. Neck flexor weakness at diagnosis predicts survival and respiratory impairment in ALS. This result could be valuable for both planning of patients' interventions and clinical trials' design. Neck flexor weakness at diagnosis predicts survival and respiratory impairment in ALS. This result could be valuable for both planning of patients' interventions and clinical trials' design. At our dental education, the examination failure rate amongst students has increased, resulting in subsequent involuntary dropouts. One of the main problems seems to be that the students struggle with taking the necessary responsibility for their learning, as required by the problem-based learning (PBL) methodology. To describe the background to, and the transition process from, pure PBL to case-based teaching and learning (CBT) with flipped classroom seminars at the dental programme at [anonymised for peer review]. In this position paper, we describe our observed problems with the PBL methodology, as implemented at this faculty, and the potential benefits of a change towards CBT. The current implementation of CBT is presented, along with educational research supporting the choice of activities. Tentative findings are that the flipped classroom seminars and the clearer instructions appear to be successful with higher levels of activity, engagement and attendance amongst the students, and the students have evaluated the seminars as very good learning activities. Tentative findings suggest that the current implementation of CBT may be a fruitful way of teaching in dental education today. Most of the teaching staff have been reawakened to teaching, and as a result, the content of the courses are being reviewed and improved. The students appreciate that what is expected of them has been made clearer and that there is a variety of learning activities. Tentative findings suggest that the current implementation of CBT may be a fruitful way of teaching in dental education today. Most of the teaching staff have been reawakened to teaching, and as a result, the content of the courses are being reviewed and improved. The students appreciate that what is expected of them has been made clearer and that there is a variety of learning activities. Timely delivery of fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a balance between avoiding stillbirth and minimising prematurity. We sought to assess the neonatal outcomes for babies suspected of FGR, both true and false positives. This population cohort study examined all singleton births in Victoria, Australia from 2000 to 2017 (n = 1 231 415). Neonatal morbidities associated with neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission were assessed for babies born ≥32 weeks' with severe FGR (<3rd centile) and babies with birthweight ≥10th centile who were iatrogenically delivered for suspected FGR. Babies with severe FGR iatrogenically delivered for suspected FGR were more likely to require NICU admission than babies with severe FGR who were not detected (3.0% vs. 1.1%, P < 0.001). After adjusting for potential confounders, the odds of NICU admission were increased (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 3.00, 95% confidence interval = 2.45-3.67; P < 0.001). Rates of NICU admission were also higher in ≥10th centile babies iatrogenically delivered for suspected FGR than for ≥10th centile babies who entered labour spontaneously (1.8% vs. 0.5%, P < 0.001). After adjustments, the odds of NICU admission were increased (aOR = 3.91, 95% confidence interval = 3.40-4.49; P < 0.001). NICU admissions were associated with morbidities related to iatrogenic prematurity. Detection and planned delivery of FGR reduces stillbirth but may be associated with increased neonatal morbidity related to iatrogenic prematurity. Detection and planned delivery of FGR reduces stillbirth but may be associated with increased neonatal morbidity related to iatrogenic prematurity.