The terahertz (THz) spectral window is of unique interest for plenty of applications, yet we are still searching for a low-cost, continuous-wave, room-temperature THz source with high generation efficiency. Here, we propose and investigate a hybrid lithium niobate/silicon waveguide scheme to realize such an efficient THz source via difference-frequency generation. The multi-layer structure allows low-loss and strong waveguide confinements at both optical and THz frequencies, as well as a reasonable nonlinear interaction strength between the three associated waves. Our numerical simulation results show continuous-wave THz generation efficiencies as high as 3.5×10-4 W-1 at 3 THz with high tolerance to device fabrication variations, three orders of magnitude higher than current lithium-niobate-based devices. Further integrating the proposed scheme with an optical racetrack resonator could improve the conversion efficiency to 2.1×10-2 W-1. Our proposed THz source could become a compact and cost-effective solution for future spectroscopy, communications and remote sensing systems.We propose a field-based design for dielectric antennas to interface diamond color centers in dielectric membranes with a Gaussian propagating far field. This antenna design enables an efficient spin-photon interface with a Purcell factor exceeding 400 and a 93% mode overlap to a 0.4 numerical aperture far-field Gaussian mode. The antenna design with the back reflector is robust to fabrication imperfections, such as variations in the dimensions of the dielectric perturbations and the emitter dipole location. The field-based dielectric antenna design provides an efficient free-space interface for closely packed arrays of quantum memories for multiplexed quantum repeaters, arrayed quantum sensors, and modular quantum computers.Long-range surface plasmon resonances (LRSPRs) are featured with longer propagation and deeper penetration, c