This was seen without an associated increase in intensive care unit utilization or broad-spectrum antibiotic use. An automated sepsis decompensation detection system has the potential to improve clinical and financial outcomes such as LOS and total direct cost. Further evaluation is needed to validate generalizability and to understand the relative importance of individual elements of the intervention. An automated sepsis decompensation detection system has the potential to improve clinical and financial outcomes such as LOS and total direct cost. Further evaluation is needed to validate generalizability and to understand the relative importance of individual elements of the intervention. Determine if deep learning detects sepsis earlier and more accurately than other models. To evaluate model performance using implementation-oriented metrics that simulate clinical practice. We trained internally and temporally validated a deep learning model (multi-output Gaussian process and recurrent neural network [MGP-RNN]) to detect sepsis using encounters from adult hospitalized patients at a large tertiary academic center. Sepsis was defined as the presence of 2 or more systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria, a blood culture order, and at least one element of end-organ failure. The training dataset included demographics, comorbidities, vital signs, medication administrations, and labs from October 1, 2014 to December 1, 2015, while the temporal validation dataset was from March 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018. Comparisons were made to 3 machine learning methods, random forest (RF), Cox regression (CR), and penalized logistic regression (PLR), and 3 clinical scores used to detect sepsis, our data elements and feature set, our modeling approach outperformed other machine learning methods and clinical scores. One primary consideration when developing predictive models is downstream effects on future model performa