There was little consensus regarding the pedagogical intent and, therefore, an inability to clearly define and measure the learning outcomes of the continuity of care experience. In countries where the predominant model of maternity care is fragmented and not woman-centred, further research is required to understand the pedagogical intent of the continuity of care experience. In countries where the predominant model of maternity care is fragmented and not woman-centred, further research is required to understand the pedagogical intent of the continuity of care experience. Mentorship/Preceptorship (M/P) has been utilised within the nursing profession since the early 1980's. Successful, structured M/P programmes can be hugely beneficial to Northern Ireland (NI) Trusts who recruit regularly and often rely on the fluidity of staff movement regionally. In the absence of standardised tools to accurately and universally measure the competency of newly qualified Radiographers (NQR) as they evolve, establishing the benchmark for effective practice within Radiology departments in NI is difficult and highly subjective at best. This study aimed to evaluate the current M/P strategies within NI as perceived by NQR and Radiology Managers (RM). A mix of both qualitative and quantitative data was obtained using questionnaires through a scoping exercise. Opinions were sought from a target audience of NQR, who began full-time employment following graduation in 2018, and RM involved in the delivery of current M/P programmes within the NI Trusts. Responses were gained from all five NI trustsRs, such as that of the 'Flying Start NHS®' programme utilised by National Health Service (NHS) Scotland, in combination with knowledge and skills framework (KSF) practices in supervision. Diabetes survival skills education (DSSE) focuses on core knowledge and skills necessary for safe, effective, short-term diabetes self-care. Inpatient DSSE deliv