Masson's trichrome staining showed increased collagen in WT mice with UUO, which was reduced in UT-A1/UT-A3 knock-out mice with UUO. We conclude that reduced urea transporter activity reduces the severity of renal fibrosis following UUO.Ubiquitination of ENaC in epithelial cells may influence trafficking and hormonal regulation of the channels. We assessed ENaC ubiquitination (ub-ENaC) in mouse and rat kidney using affinity beads to capture ubiquitinated proteins from tissue homogenates and Western blotting with anti-ENaC antibodies. Ub-αENaC was observed primarily as a series of proteins of apparent MW 40-70 kDa, consistent with addition of variable numbers of ubiquitin molecules primarily to the N-terminal cleaved fragment (~30 kDa) of the subunit. No significant Ub-βENaC was detected, indicating that ubiquitination of this subunit is minimal. For γENaC the protein eluted from the affinity beads had the same apparent MW as the cleaved C-terminal fragment of the subunit (~65 kDa). This suggests that the ubiquitinated N-terminus remains attached to the C-terminal moiety during isolation through disulfide bonds. Consistent with this, under non-reducing conditions eluates contained material with increased apparent MW (90-150 kDa). In mice with a Liddle's syndrome mutation (b566X) deleting a putative binding site for the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2, the amount of ub-γENaC was reduced as expected. To assess aldosterone-dependence of ubiquitination we fed rats either control or low-Na diets for 7 days prior to kidney harvest. Na depletion increased the amounts of ub-αENaC and ub-γENaC by 3-5 fold, probably reflecting increased amounts of fully cleaved ENaC. We conclude that ubiquitination occurs after complete proteolytic processing of the subunits, contributing to retrieval and/or disposal of channels expressed at the cell surface. Diminished ubiquitination does not appear to be a major factor in aldosterone-dependent ENaC upregulation.We first tested the hypothesis that consuming a high fructose corn syrup sweetened soft drink (HFCS) augments kidney vasoconstriction to sympathetic stimulation compared to water (Water, Study 1). In a second study, we examined the mechanisms underlying these observations (Study 2). In Study 1, thirteen healthy adults completed a cold pressor test (CPT), a sympathoexcitatory maneuver, before (Pre-Consumption) and 30 min after drinking 500 mL of decarbonated HFCS or Water (Post-Consumption). In Study 2, venous blood samples were obtained in twelve healthy adults before and 30 min following consumption of 500 mL Water, or soft drinks matched for caffeine content and taste, that were either artificially-sweetened (Diet), sucrose-sweetened (Sucrose), or sweetened with HFCS. In both Studies, vascular resistance was calculated as mean arterial pressure divided by blood velocity, which was measured via Doppler ultrasound in the renal and segmental arteries. In Study 1, HFCS increased vascular resistance in the segmental artery at rest (by 0.5±0.6 mmHg/cm/s, P=0.01) and during the CPT (average ∆ 0.5±1.0 mmHg/cm/s, main effect P=0.05). In Study 2, segmental artery vascular resistance increased following HFCS (by 0.8±0.7 mmHg/cm/s, P=0.02), but not in the other trials. Increases in serum uric acid were greater with HFCS (0.3±0.4 mg/dL, P≤0.04) compared to Water and Diet, and serum copeptin increased with HFCS (by 0.8±1.0 pmol/L, P=0.06). These findings indicate that HFCS acutely increases vascular resistance in the kidneys, independent of caffeine content and beverage osmolality, which likely occurs via simultaneous elevations in circulating uric acid and vasopressin.Emerging evidence has demonstrated that (pro)renin receptor (PRR)-mediated activation of intrarenal renin-angiotensin system (RAS) plays an essential role in renal Na+ handling and water balance and blood pressure. The present study tested the possibility that intrarenal RAS served as a molecular target for the protective action of Elabela (ELA), a novel endogenous ligand of APJ receptor, in the distal nephron. By RNAscope and immunofluorescence, mRNA and protein expression of endogenous ELA was consistently localized to the collecting duct (CD). In cultured CD-derived M1 cells, exogenous ELA induced parallel decreases of fPRR/sPRR and prorenin/renin expression, and medium sPRR and prorenin/renin levels, all of which were reversed by 8-Br-cAMP. Conversely, deletion of PRR in the CD or nephron in mice elevated Apela and Apln mRNA levels, as well as urinary ELA and Apelin excretion, supporting the antagonistic relationship between the two systems. Administration of exogenous ELA infusion to high salt (HS)-loaded Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) rats significantly lowered mean arterial pressure, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and albuminuria, accompanied with a reduction of urinary sPRR, Ang II, and prorenin/renin excretion. HS upregulated renal medullary protein expression of fPRR, sPRR, Prorenin/Renin in Dahl SS rats, all of which were significantly blunted by exogenous ELA infusion. Additionally, HS-induced upregulation of inflammatory cytokines, fibrosis markers, and kidney injury markers, were markedly blocked by exogenous ELA infusion. Together, these results support the antagonistic interaction between ELA and intrarenal RAS in the distal nephron that appears to exert a major impact on blood pressure regulation.A sound performance validity test is accurate for detecting invalid neuropsychological test performance and relatively insensitive to actual cognitive ability or impairment. This study explored the relationship of several cognitive abilities to several performance indices on the Victoria Symptom Validity Test (VSVT), including accuracy and response latency. This cross-sectional study examined data from a mixed clinical sample of 88 adults identified as having valid neurocognitive test profiles via independent validity measures, and who completed the VSVT along with objective measures of working memory, processing speed, and verbal memory during their clinical neuropsychological evaluation. Results of linear regression analyses indicated that cognitive test performance accounted for 5% to 14% of total variance for VSVT performance across indices. Working memory was the only cognitive ability to predict significant, albeit minimal, variance on the VSVT response accuracy indices. Results show that VSVT performance is minimally predicted by working memory, processing speed, or delayed verbal memory recall.