Therefore, these observations emphasize the importance of translational control in stem cell homeostasis and fate decisions. In this review, we will provide the most recent literature describing how ribosome biogenesis and translational control regulate stem cell functions and are crucial for accommodating proteome remodeling in response to changes in stem cell fate.RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are important regulators of cellular functions, playing critical roles on the survival of bacteria and in the case of pathogens, on their interaction with the host. RBPs are involved in transcriptional, post-transcriptional, and translational processes. However, except for model organisms like Escherichia coli, there is little information about the identification or characterization of RBPs in other bacteria, namely in members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc). Bcc is a group of bacterial species associated with a poor clinical prognosis in cystic fibrosis patients. These species have some of the largest bacterial genomes, and except for the presence of two-distinct Hfq-like proteins, their RBP repertoire has not been analyzed so far. Using in silico approaches, we identified 186 conventional putative RBPs in Burkholderia cenocepacia J2315, an epidemic and multidrug resistant pathogen of cystic fibrosis patients. Here we describe the comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis of RBPs present in multiple copies and predicted to play a role in transcription, protein synthesis, and RNA decay in Bcc bacteria. In addition to the two different Hfq chaperones, five cold shock proteins phylogenetically close to E. coli CspD protein and three distinct RhlE-like helicases could be found in the B. cenocepacia J2315 genome. No RhlB, SrmB, or DeaD helicases could be found in the genomes of these bacteria. These results, together with the multiple copies of other proteins generally involved in RNA degradation, suggest the existence, in B. cenocepacia and in other Bcc bacteria, of some extra and unexplored functions for the mentioned RBPs, as well as of alternative mechanisms involved in RNA regulation and metabolism in these bacteria.The dismal prognosis of patients with advanced cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is due, in part, to the extreme resistance of this type of liver cancer to available chemotherapeutic agents. Among the complex mechanisms accounting for CCA chemoresistance are those involving the impairment of drug uptake, which mainly occurs through transporters of the superfamily of solute carrier (SLC) proteins, and the active export of drugs from cancer cells, mainly through members of families B, C and G of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins. Both mechanisms result in decreased amounts of active drugs able to reach their intracellular targets. Therefore, the "cancer transportome", defined as the set of transporters expressed at a given moment in the tumor, is an essential element for defining the multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype of cancer cells. For this reason, during the last two decades, plasma membrane transporters have been envisaged as targets for the development of strategies aimed at sensitizing cancer cells to chemotherapy, either by increasing the uptake or reducing the export of antitumor agents by modulating the expression/function of SLC and ABC proteins, respectively. Moreover, since some elements of the transportome are differentially expressed in CCA, their usefulness as biomarkers with diagnostic and prognostic purposes in CCA patients has been evaluated.Chemokine receptors such as C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) are activated through interaction with their ligands and are well known for their role in chemotaxis and signal transduction. While serving these roles, cellular responses are effected, hence the immune function of these molecules is established. Given the role of CCR5 in immune function and that the immune and metabolic systems are interlinked, subsequent immune-directed changes should be measurable at a metabolic level. Numerous investigations have reported on metabolic changes associated with CCR5 status in the presence of disease, so as to understand whether specific CCR5 genotypes, frequency and/or levels offer protection to the host or not. However, these metabolic changes were recorded using older conventional techniques. Depending on certain factors such as the disease model, the geography of the samples and/or the ethnic group under study, the role of CCR5 in disease differs. In addition, little is known about CCR5's role in the absence of an enhanced inflammatory state, such as when infection persists. Metabolomics is defined as the study of metabolites and informs on metabolic changes within living organisms as induced by various stimuli, such as the interaction of CCR5 with its ligand. Since metabolomics reflects the underlying biochemical activity and state of cells/tissues, this review proposes it as a tool to clarify the contrasting roles of CCR5.Edelweiss (Leontopodium Alpinum) in the family Asteraceae is a wildflower that grows in rocky limestone places. Here, we investigated the efficacy of edelweiss callus culture extract (Leontopodium Alpinum callus culture extract; LACCE) using multiple assays from in vitro to in vivo as well as transcriptome profiling. Several in vitro assay results showed the strong antioxidant activity of LACCE in response to UVB treatment. Moreover, LACCE suppressed inflammation and wrinkling; however, moisturizing activity was increased by LACCE. The clinical test in vivo demonstrated that constant application of LACCE on the face and skin tissues improved anti-periorbital wrinkles, skin elasticity, dermal density, and skin thickness compared with the placebo. The RNA-Sequencing results showed at least 16.56% of human genes were expressed in keratinocyte cells. LACCE up-regulated genes encoding several KRT proteins; DDIT4, BNIP3, and IGFBP3 were involved in the positive regulation of the developmental process, programmed cell death, keratinization, and cornification forming skin barriers, which provide many advantages in the human skin. By contrast, down-regulated genes were stress-responsive genes, including metal, oxidation, wounding, hypoxia, and virus infection, suggesting LACCE did not cause any harmful stress on the skin. Our comprehensive study demonstrated LACCE is a promising agent for anti-aging cosmetics.