In conclusion, our study demonstrated that LA-CPSC injectable bone cement should be a viable solution to repair bone fractures under the osteoporotic conditions.The protein L-isoaspartyl (D-aspartyl) methyltransferase (PIMT) recognizes abnormal L-isoaspartyl and D-aspartyl residues in proteins. Among examined tissues, PIMT shows the highest level in the brain. The U-87 MG cell line is a commonly used cellular model to study the most frequent brain tumor, glioblastoma. Previously, we reported that PIMT amount increased when U-87 MG cells were detached from the extracellular matrix. Recently, we also showed that PIMT possessed pro-angiogenic properties. Together, these PIMT features led us to postulate that PIMT could play a critical role in glioblastoma growth. Here, we investigate PIMT role in U-87 MG cell viability, adhesion, migration, invasion, and colony formation and in the reorganization of the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton. PIMT inhibition by siRNA significantly reduced in vitro cell migration and invasion in various assays, including wound-healing assay, Boyden chambers coated with gelatin and Matrigel invasion assay. Conversely, in stably transfected U-87 MG cells overexpressing wild-type PIMT, cell migration, invasive capacity and colony formation significantly increased. However, in stably transfected cells with the gene encoding for mutated PIMT(D83V), despite of its overexpression, migration and invasion remained similar to those observed in control cells. In all these conditions, cell viability was unaffected. Importantly, overexpressed wild-type PIMT and mutated PIMT(D83V) have opposite effects on the organization of microtubules and actin cytoskeleton and thus on morphology of U-87 cells. These data highlighted the importance of PIMT level and its catalytic activity in migration and invasion of U-87 glioma cells and its possible contribution in cancer invasion during glioma growth.Cancer treatment is improving widely over time, but finding a proper defender to beat them seems like a distant dream. The quest for identification and discovery of drugs with an effective action is still a vital work. The role of a membrane protein called P-glycoprotein, which functions as garbage chute that efflux the waste, xenobiotics, and toxins out of the cancer cells acts as a major reason behind the therapeutic failure of most chemotherapeutic drugs. In this review, we mainly focused on a multiple strategies by employing 5-Fluorouracil, curcumin, and lipids in Nano formulation for the possible treatment of colorectal cancer and its metastasis. Eventually, multidrug resistance and angiogenesis can be altered and it would be helpful in colorectal cancer targeting.We have depicted the possible way for the depletion of colorectal cancer cells without disturbing the normal cells. The concept of focusing on multiple pathways for marking the colorectal cancer cells could help in activating one among the pathways if the other one fails. The activity of the 5-Fluorouracil can be enhanced with the help of curcumin which acts as a chemosensitizer, chemotherapeutic agent, and even for altering the resistance. As we eat to survive, so do the cancer cells. The cancer cells utilize the energy source to stay alive and survive. Fatty acids can be used as the energy source and this concept can be employed for targeting the colorectal cancer cells and also for altering the resistant part.Numerous combinations of diets and pharmacological agents, including lifestyle changes, have been launched to treat obesity. There are still ambiguities regarding the efficacies of different approaches despite many clinical trials and the use of animal models to study physiological mechanisms in weight management and obesity comorbidities, Here, we present an update on promising diets and pharmacological aids. Literature published after the year 2005 was searched in PubMed, Medline and Google scholar. Among recommended diets are low-fat (LF) and low-carbohydrate (LC) diets, in addition to the Mediterranean diet and the intermittent fasting approach, all of which presumably being optimized by adequate contents of dietary fibers. A basic point for weight loss is to adopt a diet that creates a permanently negative and acceptable energy balance, and prolonged dietary adherence is a crucial factor. As for pharmacological aids, obese patients with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance seem to benefit from LC diet combined with a GLP-1 agonist, e.g. semaglutide, which may improve glycemic control, stimulate satiety, and suppress appetite. The lipase inhibitor orlistat is still used to maintain a low-fat approach, which may be favorable e.g. in hypercholesterolemia. The bupropion-naltrexone-combination appears promising for interruption of the vicious cycle of addictive over-eating. Successful weight loss seems to improve almost all biomarkers of obesity comorbidities. Until more support for specific strategies is available, clinicians should recommend an adapted lifestyle, and when necessary, a drug combination tailored to individual needs and comorbidities. Different diets may change hormonal secretion, gut-brain signaling, and influence hunger, satiety and energy expenditure. Further research is needed to clarify mechanisms and how such knowledge can be used in weight management.In this study, the effect of leachate seepage on the strength properties of a landfill temporary cover material sewage sludge solidified with soda residue, ground granulated blast furnace slag, and quicklime, was investigated using small-scale column tests. The strength of the solidified sludge was reflected by penetration resistance with a micro penetrometer. The results showed that the penetration resistance increased at first, but then decreased with the increase in duration. The peak value for penetration resistance appeared at around the 75th day under the effect of leachate seepage. In contrast, without leachate seepage, penetration resistance increased at first as duration increased and then remained stable. The main hydration products were calcium silicate hydrate, ettringite and hydrocalumite. Some pollutants, such as copper, chromium, and arsenic, were also stabilized by the solidified sludge. The nuclear magnetic resonance results showed that the sample with highest penetration resistance had a reduced pore volume, especially macropore volume.