Paramedics respond to acute medical and trauma emergencies in the community and transport patients to emergency departments (ED). In some cases, paramedics are not only attending calls for mental health and psychosocial care but are also connecting individuals with more appropriate services to address their needs. This study qualitatively explores to what extent there are promising practices to be learned from paramedic services that are connecting patients to mental health and psychosocial programming. The study is organised as follows. In terms of the methods, we conducted a critical ethnographic case study of mental health and psychosocial care within paramedic services in Ontario, Canada. Interviews were conducted with frontline paramedics (n = 31), paramedic services management (n = 5), educators at paramedic college programmes (n = 5) and Base Hospital physicians/directors (n = 5). Work observations were also performed in three paramedic services, with multiple crews across different shifts (n ~90 hr). ts of health to aid the de-escalation of distress.Polydactyly is a congenital malformation resulting from an autosomal dominant mutation manifesting as supernumerary digits of the hands or feet. It is most commonly reported in humans and domestic mammals, though there have also been isolated examples across a range of wild vertebrate species. Here we report a case of extremely unusual bilateral preaxial polydactyly on the pectoral limbs of a male western grey kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) from the South West region of Western Australia, in which two supernumerary digits were present on each manus. A supernumerary digit I on each manus was rudimentary in morphology without extrinsic muscular connections. However, supernumerary digit II present on each manus had fully developed extrinsic and intrinsic muscular connections, suggesting that these digits possessed normal function in flexion and extension. An alternative hypothesis is that the two supernumerary digits are both representatives of the most radial digit I, though this would then require the true digit I to have taken on the appearance of digit II by acquiring an additional phalanx and modified muscular attachments. The carpal bones exhibited a number of subtle differences in morphology when compared to normal pentadactyl individuals. The presence of a distal, rather than proximal, epiphysis on the first metacarpal was unexpected but further investigation suggested that this characteristic is perhaps more variable (in this species at least) than has been previously recognized. This case provides an unusual example to be considered within the broader context of limb development.Historically recognized by their characteristic histopathologic features, Spitz neoplasms are now known to be molecularly defined by mutually exclusive recurrent abnormalities that cause activation of the MAPK pathway. Spitz neoplasms with ALK rearrangements frequently demonstrate polypoid growth with a plexiform arrangement of nested, fusiform melanocytes in intersecting fascicles. Although neurotropism has been described in indolent Spitz neoplasms, this feature is not frequently mentioned in publications on histopathologic assessment of this group of melanocytic tumors. Here, we present an unusual case of a 3-year-old female with an ALK-positive compound Spitz nevus with extensive perineural and intraneural neurotropism occurring on the vermilion border of the lower lip. The progression of atherosclerotic plaque is a dynamic process; however, the natural evolution process of plaque enhancement on MRI remains unclear. To evaluate changes in enhancement characteristics of middle cerebral arterial (MCA) atherosclerotic plaques over time using MRI and to explore the relationship between the changes in plaque enhancement and stroke recurrence. Prospective. Fifty-four patients with MCA atherosclerotic plaque underwent initial and follow-up examinations with a median interval of 519 days (range 84-1820 days), including 37 males and 16 patients with recurrent stroke. Time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography, diffusion-weighted imaging, T -weighted imaging, pre- and postcontrast T -weighted imaging at 3 T. Clinical characteristics and differences in the changes in plaque enhancement among acute, subacute and chronic stroke groups and the changes in the degree of stenosis and plaque enhancement between the patients with and without recurrent stroke were compared. Rplaque was related to recurrent stroke events at follow-up. Change in plaque enhancement on MRI may be an important indicator for predicting recurrent stroke. 2 TECHNICAL EFFICACY STAGE 2. 2 TECHNICAL EFFICACY STAGE 2. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of unsaturated fatty acids on clinical plasmids. Two unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid (LA) and α-linolenic acid (ALA) at final concentration 0, 0·03, 0·3 and 3mmoll , respectively, were used to assess the effects on conjugative transfer of a mcr-1-harbouring plasmid pCSZ4 (IncX4) in conjugation experiment. The inhibitory mechanisms were analysed by molecular docking and the gene expression of virB11 was quantitated by qRT-PCR. Target plasmid diversity was carried out by TrwD/VirB11 homology protein sequence prediction analysis. Our results showed that LA and ALA inhibit plasmid pCSZ4 transfer by binding to the amino acid residues (Phe124 and Thr125) of VirB11 with dose-dependent effects. The expression levels of virB11 gene were also significantly inhibited by LA and ALA treatment. Protein homology analysis revealed a wide distribution of TrwD/VirB11-like genes among over 37 classes of plasmids originated from both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. This study demonstrates representing a diversity of plasmids that may be potentially inhibited by unsaturated fatty acids. Our work reported here provides additional support for application of curbing the spread of multiple plasmids by unsaturated fatty acids. Our work reported here provides additional support for application of curbing the spread of multiple plasmids by unsaturated fatty acids.