A rich set of statistical techniques has been developed over the last several decades to estimate the spatial extent of animal home ranges from telemetry data, and new methods to estimate home ranges continue to be developed. Here we investigate home-range estimation from a computational point of view and aim to provide a general framework for computing home ranges, independent of specific estimators. We show how such a workflow can help to make home-range estimation easier and more intuitive, and we provide a series of examples illustrating how different estimators can be compared easily. This allows one to perform a sensitivity analysis to determine the degree to which the choice of estimator influences qualitative and quantitative conclusions. By providing a standardized implementation of home-range estimators, we hope to equip researchers with the tools needed to explore how estimator choice influences answers to biologically meaningful questions. In the past decade, the zebrafish community has widely embraced targeted mutagenesis technologies, resulting in an abundance of mutant lines. While many lines have proven to be useful for investigating gene function, many have also shown no apparent phenotype, or phenotypes not of interest to the originating lab. In order for labs to document and share information about these lines, we have created ZebraShare as a new resource offered within ZFIN. ZebraShare involves a form-based submission process generated by ZFIN. The ZebraShare interface (https// can be accessed on ZFIN under "Submit Data". Users download the Submission Workbook and complete the required fields, then submit the completed workbook with associated images and captions, generating a new ZFIN publication record. ZFIN curators add the submitted phenotype and mutant information to the ZFIN database, provide mapping information about mutations, and cross reference this inform