aureus on the effluent surface and sludge after 30 min of sedimentation. The results confirmed the efficient elimination of S. aureus simultaneously with a significant reductionof the physicochemical values, with constant efficiency up to 30 min. Scanning electron microscopy images confirm the removal of S. aureus on the effluent surface and sludge. Thus, this study was able to present a natural coagulant capable of removebacteria and adjust the quality levels of the effluentafter 10 min of sedimentation, making this biotechnological innovation highly applicable to ETP.Monitoring water quality is a fundamental process to ensure proper anthropogenic usage and environmental protection of this resource. This study collected monthly measurements of 9 parameters (pH, Temperature, BOD, Total Solids, Thermotolerant Coliforms, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus) in 5 sampling stations along the Marrecas water stream, during a 1-year period. Temporal andseasonalvariationswereanalyzedandinterpretedforeachelement,explaininghowspecificgeographical and anthropogenic factors affected the water body. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to evaluate each element's correlation and to reduce the number of parameters, easing the assessment of waterqualityforeachlocation.Resultswerefollowedbythecreationofanimprovedindexfortheregion, that could better estimate the quality of water, only considering 4 of the original parameters. It was also recognized that each water body possesses several subtleties that impact on how its water quality should be measuredandindexedintoasinglevalue,whichvalidatesthecaseforthecreationofregionalWQI's.Three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel systems integrating different types of stem cells and scaffolding biomaterials have an important application in tissue engineering. The biomimetic hydrogels that pattern cell suspensions within 3D configurations of biomaterial networks allow for the transport of bioactive factors and mimic the stem-cell niche in vivo, thereby supporting the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells. The composition of a 3D hydrogel system determines the physical and chemical characteristics that regulate stem cell function through a biological mechanism. Here, we discuss the natural and synthetic hydrogel compositions that have been employed in 3D scaffolding, focusing on their characteristics, fabrication, biocompatibility, and regulatory effects on stem cell proliferation and differentiation. We also discuss the regulatory mechanisms of cell-matrix interaction and cell-cell interaction in stem cell activities in various types of 3D hydrogel systems. Understanding hydrogel compositions and their cellular mechanisms can yield insights into how scaffolding biomaterials and stem cells interact and can lead to the development of novel hydrogel systems of stem cells in tissue engineering and stem-cell-based regenerative medicine.Objectives Adipogenesis is the differentiation process generating mature adipocytes from undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells. The differentiation can be inhibited by androgens, although knowledge about intracellular effectors of this inhibition is scarce. Recently, androgen-regulated microRNAs were detected as interesting candidates in this context. In this study, we analyse the role of miR-130a and miR-301 in the adipogenesis of human SGBS preadipocytes and whether they are prone to androgen regulation. Materials and Methods microRNA expression during adipogenic differentiation with or without androgen stimulation was measured by qPCR. Putative target genes of miR-130a and miR-301 were identified by target database search and validated in luciferase reporter assays. Results miR-130a and miR-301 are both significantly downregulated on day 3 and day 5 of adipogenic differentiation in comparison to day 0. Under androgen stimulation, a significant upregulation of miR-130a was detected after 7 days of adipogenesis lasting to day 14, while miR-301 did not change significantly until day 14. Luciferase reporter assays revealed the androgen receptor (AR), adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) as miR-130a target genes. Conclusions miR-130a is an androgen-regulated microRNA that is downregulated during the early phase of adipogenesis and exerts its functions by regulating AR and ADIPOQ translation. These data may help to identify new signalling pathways associated with the androgen-mediated inhibition of adipogenesis.Thrombin generation (TG) is a better determinant of the overall function of the hemostatic system than routinely used clotting time-based assays and can be studied more in detail by thrombin dynamics analysis. Platelet poor plasma is often used to measure TG, however, measuring the contribution of the platelets is also important as patients with a low platelet count or with dysfunctional platelets have an increased risk of developing bleeding. In this study, platelet rich plasma (PRP) was collected from 117 healthy individuals. PRP was measured undiluted and diluted to a varying platelet concentration of 10*109/L to 400*109/L. Prothrombin conversion and thrombin inactivation were calculated from the data obtained by the TG parameters and coagulation factor levels (antithrombin, α2Macroglobulin (α2M) and fibrinogen). Reference ranges of TG and thrombin dynamics in PRP of 117 healthy individuals were established. Peak, velocity index and the maximum rate of prothrombin conversion increased linearly with platelet count, but endogenous thrombin potential reached a maximum at 150*109/L as seen in a subset population (n = 20). More extensive analysis revealed that a platelet count below 50*109/L did not affect TG parameters (except for the ETP). Correlation analysis indicated that the platelet count mainly affected the rate of prothrombin conversion. Inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin and α2M increased with increasing TG, but the ratio of inhibition by antithrombin or α2M remained the same independently of the total thrombin formed. In conclusion, TG and thrombin dynamics were assessed in PRP of healthy donors to provide reference values for future TG studies in PRP. Increasing the platelet count mainly affected the rate of prothrombin conversion and TG, rather than the total amount of thrombin formed.