Depth-independent inside finger print determined by to prevent coherence tomography. The electroluminescence quantum efficiency roll-off in iridium(III)-based complexes, namely Ir(iqbt)2(dpm) and Ir(iqbt)3 (iqbt = 1 (benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)-isoquinolinate, dpm = 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate) utilized as near-infrared emitters in organic light emitting diodes with remarkable external quantum efficiencies, up to circa 3%, 1.5% and 1%, are measured and analyzed. With a 5-6 weight% of emitters embedded in a host matrix, the double-layer solution-processed structure as well as analogous three-layer one extended by a hole-conducting film are investigated. The triplet-polaron, the Onsager electron-hole pair dissociation and the triplet-triplet annihilation approaches were used to reproduce the experimental data. The mutual annihilation of triplets in iridium emitters was identified as prevailingly controlling the moderate roll-off, with the interaction between those of iridium emitters and host matrixes found as being less probable. Following the fitting procedure, the relevant rate constant was estimated to be ( 0.5 - 12 ) × 10 - 12 cm3/s, values considered to be rather too high for disordered organic systems, which was assigned to the simplicity of the applied model. A coexistence of some other mechanisms is therefore inferred, ones, however, with a less significant contribution to the overall emission quenching.Physiological dead space volume (VD) and dynamic hyperinflation (DH) are two different types of abnormal pulmonary physiology. Although they both involve lung volume, their combination has never been advocated, and thus their effect and implication are unclear. This study aimed (1) to combine VD and DH, and (2) investigate their relationship and clinical significance during exercise, as well as (3) identify a noninvasive variable to represent the VD fraction of tidal volume (VD/VT). Forty-six male subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 34 healthy male subjects matched for age and height were enrolled. Demographic data, lung function, and maximal exercise were investigated. End-expiratory lung volume (EELV) was measured for the control group and estimated for the study group using the formulae reported in our previous study. The VD/VT ratio was measured for the study group, and reference values of VD/VT were used for the control group. In the COPD group, the DHpeak/total lung capacity (TLC, DHpeak%) was 7% and the EELVpeak% was 70%. After adding the VDpeak% (8%), the VDDHpeak% was 15% and the VDEELVpeak% was 78%. Both were higher than those of the healthy controls. In the COPD group, the VDDHpeak% and VDEELVpeak% were more correlated with dyspnea score and exercise capacity than that of the DHpeak% and EELV%, and had a similar strength of correlation with minute ventilation. The VTpeak/TLC (VTpeak%), an inverse marker of DH, was inversely correlated with VD/VT (R2 ≈ 0.50). Therefore, we recommend that VD should be added to DH and EELV, as they are physiologically meaningful and VTpeak% represents not only DH but also dead space ventilation. To obtain VD, the VD/VT must be measured. Because obtaining VD/VT requires invasive arterial blood gases, further studies on noninvasive predicting VD/VT is warranted.As shown in previous studies, the modification of conventional polyethylene (CPE) to cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) and the contribution of antioxidants result in a reduction in total wear. The aim of this study was to evaluate XLPE inserts with vitamin E and CPE regarding their resistance to the backside wear mechanism. A cementless hip cup system (Plasmafit® Plus 7, Aesculap) was dynamically loaded using CPE and XLPE inserts. The backside wear was isolated, generated and collected using the two-chamber principle. The chambers were filled with ultrapure water. After 2 × 106 cycles, the fluids were examined for wear particles according to a particle analysis. Using XLPE inserts, the backside wear was significantly reduced by 35%. While XLPE backside wear particles are significantly larger than CPE particles, they do not differ in their morphology. This study confirms the greater resistance to backside wear of XLPE compared to CPE. It can be assumed that the improved fatigue resistance of the vitamin E-stabilized XLPE inserts demonstrates XLPE's effectiveness against micro-motion and the resulting changing tensions in interface areas like surface breakdown, pitting and the release of very small particles.Because of its non-toxic, pollution-free, and low-cost advantages, environmentally-friendly packaging is receiving widespread attention. However, using simple technology to prepare environmentally-friendly packaging with excellent comprehensive performance is a difficult problem faced by the world. This paper reports a very simple and environmentally-friendly method. The hydroxyl groups of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) were modified by introducing malic acid and the silane coupling agent KH-550, and the modified CNF were added to cassava starch as a reinforcing agent to prepare film with excellent mechanical, hydrophobic, and barrier properties. In addition, due to the addition of malic acid and a silane coupling agent, the dispersibility and thermal stability of the modified CNFs became significantly better. By adjusting the order of adding the modifiers, the hydrophobicity of the CNFs and thermal stability were increased by 53.5% and 36.9% ± 2.7%, respectively. At the same time, the addition of modified CNFs increased the tensile strength, hydrophobicity, and water vapor transmission coefficient of the starch-based composite films by 1034%, 129.4%, and 35.95%, respectively. This material can be widely used in the packaging of food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and medical consumables.The thermal, physical, and molecular dynamics of layered hybrid type (C2H5NH3)2MCl4 (M = 59Co, 63Cu, 65Zn, and 113Cd) crystals were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy. The temperatures of the onset of partial thermal decomposition were found to depend on the identity of M. In addition, the Bloembergen-Purcell-Pound curves for the 1H spin-lattice relaxation time T1ρ in the rotating frames of CH3CH2 and NH3, and for the 13C T1ρ of CH3 and CH2 were shown to exhibit minima as a function of the inverse temperature. These results confirmed the rotational motion of 1H and 13C in the C2H5NH3 cation. Finally, the T1ρ values and activation energies Ea obtained from the 1H measurements for the H‒Cl···M (M = Zn and Cd) bond in the absence of paramagnetic ions were larger than those obtained for the H‒Cl···M (M = Co and Cu) bond in the presence of paramagnetic ions. Moreover, the Ea value for 13C, which is distant from the M ions, was found to decrease upon increasing the mass of the M ion, unlike in the case of the Ea values for 1H.